This is the Message Centre for kiwi-eating-apple
Lil comes to chat with Kiwi!!
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Started conversation Nov 4, 2005
Hello sweetheart,
How are you enjoying hootoo?
I was wondering if you would be interested in reading about a Role Play Game here in hootoo.. it is called BETA A5942207
We have 3 people in there who speak German too, so you will be able to chat with them outside of the rpg thread
What could I be letting myself in for!! They already gang up on me!
See what you think.
lil xx
Lil comes to chat with Kiwi!!
kiwi-eating-apple Posted Nov 4, 2005
Tell me more about the rpg... theater is one of my passionsso i normaly like rpgs but waht would be my role??
Nice to chat to somebody calling me a sweetheart!
Lil comes to chat with Kiwi!!
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Nov 4, 2005
It is better if you read the link I gave you, then you get a better idea of what is going on.
We even put up photos of the characters we are playing..
I am Layla Mai, Commander of the Galactic Rangers, stations aboard the CSS Mariposa!
I am also Sgt Patrick Harper, previously with Captain Richard Sharpe, but now with Commander Mai, training the Marines!!
If you contact Dmitri, just click on his name in the BETA link, you can discuss any plans for a character with him.. he has a wonderful imagination!
Thanks for the loo brush ()
lil xx
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Lil comes to chat with Kiwi!!
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