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LittleMissAlexa Started conversation Nov 1, 2010
How u Keeping missy
i used to be alexandria on here
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 1, 2010
Hello Alexandria,
Thank you I'm keeping well, I hope you are keeping well.
Friday was quite an eventful day, when I went out to get the free bus to ASDA, I waited for an hour and it did not come, and when I went back online to find more information about the service, I found that it had change from Friday to Thursday. The last time that I used the service was three or four years ago, so a lot has changed.
When I went on the weekly organised walk in a riverside woodland park,, I saw a woman in the woods wearing a longwhite coat and a green skirt and white top, reading a book sitting on a log, someone behind me said has anyone seen the ghost pointing to the woman.
Over a week ago I saw I saw something very unusual a flock of 18 white doves, this first time I have seen a dove in South Ockendon.
Whenever I am out I'll like to stop and watch and listen to the birds in the trees and bushes, one of the neighbouring gardens has a tree which attracts a lot of sparrows.
It's a joy to watch animals in their natural habitat.
LittleMissAlexa Posted Nov 1, 2010
its been so long ive been gone i wish i remembered my log in details for my old account so i could just copy my guideml lol
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 1, 2010
Hello Alexandria,
I think you can send an email to h2g2 sign in suppport and as long as you gave them your email address that you used on your original page, then they could send your details.
If they can't help you I'll ask if Jimcracker can help you to get your old page back.
Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 1, 2010
Alexandria I asked Jim to help.
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Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 2, 2010
Alexandria you are very welcome
My sister is going to pick me up to day to see my grand nephew Alfie Antonio who's two weeks old, I have another grand nephew Mason who will be two next January.
LittleMissAlexa Posted Nov 2, 2010
since we last spoke my sister has given birth twice i have both a niece and nephew
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- 2: Reality Manipulator (Nov 1, 2010)
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- 5: Reality Manipulator (Nov 1, 2010)
- 6: LittleMissAlexa (Nov 2, 2010)
- 7: Reality Manipulator (Nov 2, 2010)
- 8: LittleMissAlexa (Nov 2, 2010)
- 9: Reality Manipulator (Nov 2, 2010)
- 10: LittleMissAlexa (Nov 2, 2010)
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