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THEBOOKIE Started conversation Jan 30, 2004
hello howz it ganning? wye aye man lol i bet u miss the geordie stuff eh? well i had my eyes tested ed today so i can see properly lol
Reality Manipulator Posted Jan 30, 2004
Hi TheBookie I hope you are keeping well. I miss Ashington (what it used to be like in the 60's and 70's) where there was a strong sense of community.
THEBOOKIE Posted Jan 30, 2004
good evening kat howz ya day been then? i've got meself some glasses lol for me eyes and been for a few
's lol
Reality Manipulator Posted Jan 30, 2004
Thanks Stevie I am feeling abit
and I got a bit of a cold coming on.
Your glasses look , I have been drink a few
s myself.
Here are few more .
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