This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
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blue eyes gayf Started conversation Dec 7, 2003
hiya kat
its meeeeeeeeeeee lisa i finally got back on here
i hope u r well n everythings fine im not to bad thanx
anyway i just thought i would drop u a quick msg to let u know that i was back on h2g2
heres a n
for u i hope u have a good relaxing day
takecare spk soon
ur friend lisa
guess who
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 7, 2003
Hi Lisa
I am very glad that you are back on. I have just been watching Last of the Summer Wine.
Where I live I can see the next county of Kent. I will be watching Miss Marple on at 7pm.
Thanks Lisa I have had a very relaxing day and I have had plenty of
at lunch time.
Thanks for the
and for the
, a very good way of finishing a meal with.
I hope you have had a good day too.
guess who
blue eyes gayf Posted Dec 7, 2003
hiya kat
how r u..?? still feeling a bit yak my throat feels ive just got back to u ive been trying to do my personal space with pics etc..its finished now thou..plz feel free to take a look at it..
so howz ur day been so far..??..good i hope..i had a text msg on my mobile lastnite the publishing company that i wrote to want to publish my art work im really chuffed about heres a for u to celebrate with me
anyway i hope u have a good day takecare spk soon
ur friend lisa xx
guess who
Reality Manipulator Posted Dec 7, 2003
Lisa, it's great news about your new work.
Are you going to start now or in the New Year?
Thanks for the
, I will go and look at your page.
I am sorry that you are still not feeling well.
Thanks I am feeling well but for some reason my skin is getting very dry and itchy.
Take care Lisa
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