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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Started conversation Nov 1, 2003
Hi Kat hows u hunny u so sweet
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Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 1, 2003
Hello Alexandria I am feeling fine, thank you for your very kind compliments. I hope you are keeping well too. Luckily the cold that I had was short lived.
I hope you are free from the flu.
I will be going into Town today, go to the shopping, go to the library and see if they have any information about local wildlife preservation projects in Essex.
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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted Nov 1, 2003
kat but unlike a man im not dying of flu lol
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Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 1, 2003
Alexandria I have written a ghost story, it needs alittle touching. When I go to the library I will divide into 2-4 parts, put a few pics in and expand it a bit more. It's called the "The Darkness Downstairs".
The Darkness Downstairs
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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted Nov 1, 2003
i will have a look i might even put it in my links
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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted Nov 2, 2003
thats ok kat hun nething for a sweet lady like urself
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Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 2, 2003
Alexandria I hope it will get warmer where you are.
I forget to say that my entry 'The Darkness' Downstairs is in two parts.
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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted Nov 2, 2003
i think ur ghost stories are wonderful
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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted Nov 3, 2003
thats ok kat anything for such a young lady like yourself
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Reality Manipulator Posted Nov 4, 2003
Good morning Alexandria, it's very sunny today.
The only places that I lived that had alot of snow were in 1981-1983 and in 1987 in Harold Hill in Essex and in Ashington in Northumberland in 1995-1997.
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LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett Posted Nov 5, 2003
well ashington is almost scotland lol harold hill is a very good comedian we dont get much snow south of thames
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- 1: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 1, 2003)
- 2: Reality Manipulator (Nov 1, 2003)
- 3: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 1, 2003)
- 4: Reality Manipulator (Nov 1, 2003)
- 5: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 1, 2003)
- 6: Reality Manipulator (Nov 1, 2003)
- 7: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 1, 2003)
- 8: Reality Manipulator (Nov 2, 2003)
- 9: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 2, 2003)
- 10: Reality Manipulator (Nov 2, 2003)
- 11: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 2, 2003)
- 12: Reality Manipulator (Nov 2, 2003)
- 13: Reality Manipulator (Nov 2, 2003)
- 14: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 2, 2003)
- 15: Reality Manipulator (Nov 3, 2003)
- 16: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 3, 2003)
- 17: Reality Manipulator (Nov 3, 2003)
- 18: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 3, 2003)
- 19: Reality Manipulator (Nov 4, 2003)
- 20: LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett (Nov 5, 2003)
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