This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
Hiya Kat
The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42 Started conversation Oct 4, 2003
Hi there, it's been a while since we had a chat.
How are you doing, hope things are fine with you. I'm cool, having loads of fun on here.
Quick teaser for you, there's a picture of a spider creeping across the page, do you know the code as I have looked everywhere and can't find it.
Hiya Kat
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 5, 2003
Hiya Spike
I hope you are keeping well. I am fine thanks, except from my aches and pains.
I do not know the codes for the spider picture but if you go to the H2g2/Lders Advice corner which can be found on A1913150, someone will be able to help you.
Hiya Kat
The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42 Posted Oct 5, 2003
AW!!..what aches and pains?..know a little bit about that myself, on light duties at work because of a bad back, have to wait until end of January for a consultation, typical NHS waiting time.
I'll check out that page, thanks.
Hiya Kat
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 5, 2003
Thanks Spike, I think I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder. I started to get these problems 3 years ago.
I am sorry to hear about your back. January is along to time to wait for an appointment to see an consultant.
Hiya Kat
The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42 Posted Oct 5, 2003
My problems in my shoulder too, happened around about three years ago aswell, SPOOK.
Doctor think it might be a problem with my spine though, just being refered to my shoulder, don't ask I don't understand it either.
Means that I will be on light duties at work for a while though, which is cool in a way as it means no responsibility. I work at a major train station in London as a supervisor so you can imagine the responsibility involved.
So what has the Doctor said about your back, is it fixable?
Hiya Kat
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 5, 2003
Spike I know when I used to use the railways alot, that is alot of responsibility running it.
I have had several blood tests and they have not found anything wrong with me. I have had acpuncture (on the nhs) but it did not help me. I have not had any x-rays done.
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Hiya Kat
- 1: The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42 (Oct 4, 2003)
- 2: Reality Manipulator (Oct 5, 2003)
- 3: The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42 (Oct 5, 2003)
- 4: Reality Manipulator (Oct 5, 2003)
- 5: The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42 (Oct 5, 2003)
- 6: Reality Manipulator (Oct 5, 2003)
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