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hello kat its meeeeee :0)
BB..GAY FEM N PROUD :0) Posted Oct 9, 2003
hiya kat
howz u 2day..??..i think i maybe comming down with a cold or throat infection as my glands r up ive suffered with my glands since i was in my early foot is still sore thou..ouch
how long did u live in northumbland for..?? glad ur parents r well
my dad is laying a carpet at the mo as we decorated my mums room 2day..he says helloooooo to u
the system is really wierd 2day here i clicked onto our msgs n the set top box went really strange then it said that it ran out of ur set top box ok now..??..i bet u will be glad when its sorted 2morrow wont u..??
im really sorry kat but i havent had my drawings photocopied yet as we have been really busy 2day but i will defenatly get them done for u 2morrow
what u been upto 2day..??..ur creative writting sounds really good n interesting
anyway kat im off to do me something to eat now heres a for u n some
mini cheeders i hope u like them thank u muchly for the tea n maids of honour that was very yummmmmy thank u
i hope that u have had a good day n u have a relaxing evening
takecare kat spk soon
ur friend lisa
hello kat its meeeeee :0)
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 9, 2003
Hi Lisa
I am sorry that you are not feeling well. My parents and me are going to get our flu jabs about late October. When I was in Ashington they gave flu jabs about late August or early September.
I first lived in Ashington from 1964-1971 and then again from 1995-2000. It had greatly changed but for the worse. There were lots of housing estates built up, small co-ops and other shops closed and most of the countryside gone.
I have had problems posting, I could get onto my space but when I tried to get into any posting I got a blue box. The sound of the tv has also gone funny for a while.
Strange the screeen has not been going dark so much as it was earlier on but I still have short periods of darkness.
That is one thing I have never done is lay carpet. I not very good at cutting straight. I hope your Dad and Mam are keeping well. Say hello to your Dad.
Thanks for the
and for the mini cheddars which I am addicted to. I like having them with cream cheese and cheddar cheese.
Thanks I have had a very good day with my courses. I am doing poetry for my creative writing. I am going to try and enter a poem for a competition at the Further Education Centre that I go to.
Take care soon Lisa
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hello kat its meeeeee :0)
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