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foLDers arms
leydaf Started conversation May 26, 2003
is the foLDers arms closed because when i click on it it doesnt load
foLDers arms
Reality Manipulator Posted May 26, 2003
Leydaf No the FoLDers Arms is not closed. If you are a digibox user, it could be that you are in the wrong skin. The Plain skin that helps digibox users go into the FoLDers Arms and other places where there are long conversations. The way you can tell you are in the right skin is to look at your screen if it is grey then you are in plain skin if not then you are in the wrong skin. To do this click onto the link Plain Skin for digibox users; click onto the blue text here A948602 and it will tell yoou how to change your skin.
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foLDers arms
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