This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

How are you?

Post 1



I just read your post in the descriptors for sexual minorities guide entry. I know that was a while ago but I wondered how you're doing now? I came out when I met my girlfriend at uni when I was 20, she came out at school aged 13 but she always was precocious. smiley - smiley We had a lecturor who didn't come out till her mid thirties. She was the most fabulous woman you could possibly imagine, she settled down with a good woman and bought a zoo!.

Anyway, we're around if you still need someone to talk to, feel free to stop by our pages.
smiley - orangefish

How are you?

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheers Speckly Thanks I am keeping well, I hope you are keeping well as well. Yes I love to pop by.smiley - biggrin


How are you?

Post 3


We are both doing very well, though next month we are facing our first time apart in over four years (slight panic). What's the scene like where you are? We're in Wales and there's not much about, which makes me glad that I met my girl the easy way, in the library at uni.
smiley - orangefish

How are you?

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

Where I live it is an urbanised area in the South East of Essex in place called Grays in Thurrock. I live near the river Thames, there is a very small boat harbour, an industrial estate, Beach Park where it has a mock up beach area and a small shopping arcade. I do not go out to pubs on my own and I have never been to a nightclub as I have never looked old enough to get in. The social life in Grays is not existent and people are busy having fight with each other or themselves.smiley - smiley


How are you?

Post 5


Grays, thats by the lakeside shopping centre! I work for a directory enquiry company so I get people asking for the number many times a day.

The internet is blessing, though I think the gay community on here could stand to be stronger.
smiley - orangefish

How are you?

Post 6

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - oksmiley - taI agree I use a limited internet service. I obtain this via a tv cable interactive email link. Inputting data onto the tv screen is either done through the remote control or remote keyboard. I use the library internet service when I can.smiley - smiley


How are you?

Post 7


We have old cable, nothing so swanky. But we have internet access at home, and access to the BBC website in work. Which is why I've ended up here! If it weren't for H2G2 I'd go mad and start swearing at the callers.
smiley - orangefish

How are you?

Post 8

Reality Manipulator

When I use the computers at the library even though they are on broadband it takes longer to post anything than using via the digibox. My mouse control is not good.smiley - smiley


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