This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

ello again kat

Post 1

AWOL No1..8 weeks on h2g2 1 weeks barring,,wierd people run h2g2 :o)

long time no chat kat...mmmmm rhymes that dunnit,,lol,,,n e ways i was just a passin by your bathroom window ok ok lurkin,,lol,,please pray do tell me which 1 of the 3 of them in the bath is you..???? smiley - biggrin..

smiley - peacedove

ello again kat

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

AWOL I am the one in the bath on the left.smiley - smiley


ello again kat

Post 3

AWOL No1..8 weeks on h2g2 1 weeks barring,,wierd people run h2g2 :o)

what the 1 just getting in,,lmfbo,,mmmmm do you share your bath alot then with complete strangers..corrrrr your friendly aint you,,,lmfbopmp,, smiley - whistle

smiley - peacedove

ello again kat

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheersNo the one in the bath smiley - biggrin Would you like to drop by at the FoLDers Arms at A913150 where I am the bartender.smiley - biggrin


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