This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
hello kat.. :-)
AWOL No1..8 weeks on h2g2 1 weeks barring,,wierd people run h2g2 :o) Started conversation Apr 30, 2003
hello again c in as the
not about tnightor at the mo,,cud you tell me how to apply to become an ACE,,lmfbopmp,,, i think ive got everythin ya need t become 1,,hic hic
hic hic
hello kat.. :-)
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 30, 2003
AWOL No1 To do this go to A541027
this is where everyone goes who wants to volunteer to be a ACE, Guru or a Scout.
Abi Will give you a mock set up where you show here how to ACE a newbie to the site.
The next lot of vacancies will be in May.
I am sure you will easily be accepted.
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hello kat.. :-)
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