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hey kat
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 25, 2003
Hi Andy I hope you are keeping well today.
Not that I know of but I know some councils have muncipal golf courses.
hey kat
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 26, 2003
I have not found about them, I will look in the telephone book for the info. The nearest big sports centre is about a mile away.
I will then ask about the hire fees of the golfing equipment.
hey kat
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 26, 2003
Andy I will see once the weather is better and I feel better as I am little underneath the weather now. Nothing serious just abit of a cold and a bit of hayfever.
hey kat
owlatronas Posted Apr 26, 2003
well i too am a sufferer of hayfever so just dose yourself up and get out no excuses
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hey kat
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