This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator


Post 1


Im sorry kat but when you became a cofounder of the h2g2 rock society i had to take you outof the h2g2 computer andmcsoceity causeyouhave become a Liability.


Post 2

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)


HAHAHAHAHA That was a laugh for me... A liability... lmao... who do you think you are??? MI5 or something... you sad fool...

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 3


ha i wonderd how long it would take you to pop up well i tihk kat is a libilty and i know what you are like i know all my guides messing up last week was something to do with you so that is one of the reasons i took kat out but i can always replace the co founder i have a few people cueing up for it.


Post 4

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

I've not gone anywhere...

I've been here... watching what you say... watching Jon and his cronies... watching your pathetic escapades... nope... didn't have owt to do with your page smiley - bleeping up...

But good on whoever did...

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 5


good on them jons little corines you are excatly what i thorght u wer a annoying little weed that keeps coming back


Post 6

Reality Manipulator

Serj I am going to have withdraw being a co-founder because of the ill-feeling that you have with Kyle and Klye has with you. I am going through alot of stress now and I find this very upsetting and I am not feeling very well at the moment. I just want to be an ordinary member.smiley - smiley



Post 7


kat you do right he is just a using little weed.who wants to grow way have gotta go answer another postso il bee seeing ya i might see ya in the ld arms someitime yeh

see ya later

Html works
smiley - ufo

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