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Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

I couldn't help seeing you mentioning having S.A.D. in the Leonids conversation over at Galaxy Babe's page (I've been lurking over it but haven't posted yet - I hope the sky clears up tonight)

Anyway - I wanted to ask you if you have been diagnosed with S.A.D.? I've been wondering if I could possibly be suffering from it too, you see - or from the slightly less severe form subsyndromal S.A.D. also known as 'Winter Blues'...

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

I have not been diagnosed with S.A.D but I do think it is Winter Blues. Need more chocolate.

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

I found a site that described it pretty well:

I'm not overly depressed, even if I have mood swings - usual cheery self one minute, gloomy the next - but I'm soooooo tired - all my remaining energy is consumed by my work - my home looks like a mess because once I get home I'm too tired to do anything about it. The fatigue seems to be mental as well as physical...

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 4

Reality Manipulator

Thank you for the information. I find that shopping the most tiring activity! It is mental fatigue that tires me out most.

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

I see from your journals that you were born in 1963 - me too! Good vintage, eh?smiley - winkeye

Yes - the mental fatigue... I've tried taking vitamine pills, ginseng capsules, extra B-vitamines in case it's my PMS acting up, putting a timer on my up-light-lamp 30 minutes before it's time for me to get up - and *still* I have a hard time even getting up in the morning - not to mention the weekends being far too short to catch up with that ever-growing sleep-debt...

Oh well - things can only get better!smiley - ok (because they can't get much worse than this, at least for me)

I just put the kettle on - would you like some smiley - tea and maybe a slice of smiley - chocsmiley - cake?

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 6

Reality Manipulator

I have loads of vitamins & minerals supplements it is just getting into the hang of taking them and some of the herbal tablets taste awful and I have a tendacy of getting tablets stuck in my throat and then making me sick afterwards.

Thank you very much for the tea, chocolate and gateau. They say chocolate is good for colds and if you eat enough chocolate you have less chance of getting colds. Another thing is that chocolate increases your IQ.

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

Chocolate increases my IQ?smiley - bigeyes Not that I need any reason for eating it, but that's a very nice argument!smiley - biggrin

I wish there was at least *some* kind of logic behind the tiredness - Sunday night I went to bed early and felt more dead than alive when I struggled to get up Monday morning - yesterday I stayed up late (on h2g2) and felt very bright and alert this morning!smiley - huh

Greetings, Jedi Apprentice...

Post 8

Reality Manipulator

I find because it is winter I am going to bed alot earlier than I used to be at 8pm but even if I go to bed later I still feel rotten in the morning. I seem to need more sleep these days. I dread Sunday nights as after alot of red wine (2-3 glasses), I feel like I have been hit with a large frozen fish. I have been woken up between 4-5 am each morning recently by a man who has martial arguments with himself, as I never hear anyone else answer back so he must be married to himself.

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