This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

Your Guardian Angel...

Post 1

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hi there! How can I help?

smiley - angel

Your Guardian Angel...

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

It is my controlling stress posting as I started a month ago and I have not finished. I still cannot understand how to use GuideML and do not really understand how it works. I have finished the content of posting, it is the finishing off now.

Your Guardian Angel...

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you, smiley - doctorsmiley - angelJustinsmiley - smooch

I'll leave you in his capable hands {and wings}smiley - winkeye Jedi Apprentice.

smiley - biggrin

smiley - flyhi

Your Guardian Angel...

Post 4

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

For my reference: A816482

It looks like you've got most of the GuideML you need. You just need to tell the page that it's GuideML, not plain text. When you edit the entry, underneath the main text box are two little buttons - click the one marked 'GuideML', then press the big 'Change Style' button next to it.

There are a few typing errors I noticed, which will stop the GuideML working:

In the 'Subject' box, you've put and around your title - they won't do anything. They'll just show up on the page as text, so it's worth taking them out.

In the 'Herbal remedies' section, you start the heading with a , which should be a .

In the 'Nutrition for Stress' section, you start the heading with a instead of a . You also start the paragraph with a rather than a , and you need a at the end of the paragraph.

If you make those changes, and click the 'Update Entry' button, you should see your entry all nicely formatted. smiley - smiley Any problems, or anything I haven't explained clearly, just ask!

smiley - doctorsmiley - angelJ

Your Guardian Angel...

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

I am finding it impossible to edit as the screen keeps on going blank and I cannot see the text I am inputting on to the screen, will you please help me finish the editing for me.

Your Guardian Angel...

Post 6

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Ahhh... this sounds like the problem other WebTV users are having, when the page size gets too big... I can't edit yor entries - for me to be able to do that would need one of the Italics to give me editing rights to your entry.

One possible solution is to split the entry - so it's on two pages. Then you just need to put links on each page, linking to the other page. If you ever submit it to PeerReview and it gets picked, a Sub would be able to 'merge' the seperate pages into one page.

Other than that, I'm not sure what you could do. I have absolutely zero experience of WebTV, I'm afraid.

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