This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
Quille the cynic...TC Started conversation Sep 12, 2002
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
If you feel like coming the emergency decision league branch of the League of Thundercats has commenced. We have begun this because the Terranian army needs a decision and our beloved leader and second are currently banned from hootoo for a week.
Please see the emergency posting at the bottom of the page and if the problem is listed please post your thoughts there. You decision DOES matter, and no final conclusion will be reached without you.
Quille the
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 12, 2002
i will join the emergency league.
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Sep 12, 2002
aww well good..just visit the link stated at top and post in the emergency post..
btw Terranic army is going to pose war at midday on Saturday..a link to the battle is in the emergency post..
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 13, 2002
I am unable to use the emergency post as i every time i open it, it tells me it is temporarily unvavilable (I am a webtv user).
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District Posted Sep 14, 2002
To rescue loup get wind machine to blow the smoke back into enemy camp sneek into enemy camp under cover of smoke with oxycetaline torch that cuts through metal and cut loup out of there,sneak away leaveing additional explosive device in box so when it is opened it goes BANG!hehehe
Love light & luck to you,
If you need help just call
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District Posted Sep 14, 2002
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District Posted Sep 14, 2002
loup is probably being held in either the hanger's in the enemy's grounds or on the 3rd underground level of their base.Interegations take place in the major discussion and recriutment ideas room.
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
Quille the cynic...TC Posted Sep 16, 2002
hmm..interesting..I will attempt rescue at some later attempt if it isn't made by then..
Hi Paladin btw Nice to meet ya!
Key: Complain about this post
Emergency Decision League at A826012 ..
- 1: Quille the cynic...TC (Sep 12, 2002)
- 2: Reality Manipulator (Sep 12, 2002)
- 3: Quille the cynic...TC (Sep 12, 2002)
- 4: Reality Manipulator (Sep 13, 2002)
- 5: The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District (Sep 14, 2002)
- 6: The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District (Sep 14, 2002)
- 7: The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District (Sep 14, 2002)
- 8: Quille the cynic...TC (Sep 16, 2002)
- 9: owlatronas (Oct 4, 2002)
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