This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator
The Paladin,Psychic Bulldozer and Knight of the Leisure District Started conversation Sep 7, 2002
how do i join the jedi's, you must excuse me but i'm typeing left handed at the mo,rocking littlen with the other.
i've been looking for them but can't find them.
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 20, 2002
I am very sorry for taking so long in replying but I have been using GuideMl and it makes reading very difficult.
Go in to Yahoo internet server.
Put into the search engine: [Broken link removed by Moderator]Go into Home (Jedi organisations) which as the top of the page. Go into how to register, Register with them. Then read the information given on the site.
There are several sections on the Jedi Religion, telling you of the purpose, work and charism of the Jedi Religion.
It is also a good idea to print the information from the screen as you can always study it later on at your time and pace.
Once you are registered then you become a Jedi Guest.
After 2 weeks you can apply to become an apprentice, this is done by taking a test which is doen through (email).
Here are some useful email/internet sites:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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