This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator


Post 1

Quille the cynic...TC

That sounds amazingly interesting. America just isn't amazing like that, though I LOVE star wars to the utter extreme!

Well I'm just welcoming you incredibly belatedly to the Thundercat clan thingamajig because that's just what I do. Though I think you were one before me? OH well..welcome all the same and sorry bout the lateness smiley - blush.
smiley - elf


Post 2

Reality Manipulator

sorry for being slow to reply, you ask or discuss anything to do with star wars.


Post 3

Quille the cynic...TC

I sometimes ask or discuss things to do with star wars..and believe weren't slow in replying. It can take up to a week+ for me to reply to a posting sometimes! smiley - yikes
smiley - elf

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