This is the Message Centre for Reality Manipulator

hello Kat

Post 241

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

The scart cable sometimes gets loose at the back of tv and I have to push it back in the tv. When tw starts up, I find when I am going down the tv menu guide the keyboard sometimes gets stuck but it I go to a programme straight away I find that when I go back to the tv menu guide I have no problems. I have found that I have not had my batteries in the right way in my keyboard and yet it was still working but not very well.

My sister was staying with for five days and she left this morning to go back to her flat.

My Mam and I went to her sheltered housing hall for a fish supper tonight. There was a raffle and I won jaffa orange after dinner biscuits and a pocket calculator.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 242

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
are you still using the tw heavy cable scart,if you are replace it with a thin one, about £1-50 form most shops,its the heavy ones that weigh the box connection down.the cheap,standard one as more give in the cable, and some are a little bit longer.
dont go getting sick with orange and buiskets(rats my spelling lol)
i was going to have a few hours at the lib on the pc today, but just rang and the systems offline again,thats twice this week with tuesday and monday was bank hol lol.
yuck,its just gone very dark here,9-30am,looks like we are in for a storm, it rained a bit yesterday,inbetween the sunny spots lolsmiley - discojimxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 243

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
its a god ting the pc,s are dow, its raining cats and dogs here,jeeus what a storm lolsmiley - discojimxxx

hello Kat

Post 244

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThanks Jim for the advice, I will go to the one of the local shops and get a lighter scart cable.

I think my orange biscuits will last a few days. They taste like the jaffa cakes except they are small and square.

It was supposed to be heavy raining where we are but we have only had heavy winds and very light rain. I am sorry to hear that you are having such awful weather.

I hope that the pc's at your library will soon be fixed soon. When I lived in Grays quite often the library pc's would go down.

I had a rather unpleasant experience last night, two police officers - a male and a female came to my house and asked if I heard a very roisy argument outside and then asked me if I had got involved with a very noisy argument. I replied no, I was rather upset as I thought something happpened to my Mam. I live on my own and I wonder who could I have an arguement with. I did get a splinter in my finger yesterday and I screamed because it was painful but not that loud. They asked my next door neighbour and they had not heard anything. I think it must have been my upstairs neighbour who telephoned the police with a false report. She can be very noisy at night, I can hear her shouting on the telephone. She does not have any hearing problems. I remember she complained to the council about me being too noisy at the way I closed my door, so I have to be very quite but it is all right if she is noisy.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 245

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
if i had no choice but to live in a flat, i would top myself lol
i only have my neibour in the house next door to the left, and one across the the path to the right.i get on with both, alans a mate, and the other lad and his mother a bosnian.he called tonight about teatime to borrow a spanner to tighten something to stop the water coming in.
the problem with flats is you and they can here everything you say and do, the walls are usually so thin, and the tunnel effect in the stairs cause an echo,at night it must be like someone useing a megaphone,lolsmiley - discojimxxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 246

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - hug

I am staying over at my Mam's at night time as here carer that comes in the morning is off on holiday and the relief carers always come late in the morning which upset my Mam a lot. So I am staying over so that when she wakes up early in the morning she is not on her own. I tried getting very early and going over but I find it very tiring. It is much easier for me to be over there. When the carer comes back from holiday she will be back to her normal self.

Yes I have heard that flats walls can be very thin and when I lived in a tower block the building would sway when it was very windy.

I have heard on the television that the North of England and east anglia are getting monsoon weather and that last year we were getting more rain than the far east countries.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 247

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
its a bit confusing with the weather at the moment,lol
the sun comes out, then goes, two mins later we get a downpour, the the cycle begins again, at the mo,1pm,its trying to sunshine again,lol.
im watching channel 234,its all day war stories and colour film, some ive seen before, but some are they say, never seen before.
smiley - disco jim xxxx

hello Kat

Post 248

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I was looking for the weather forecast for Essex for the next five days
Sunrise 06:14 (BST)
Sunset 19:41 (BST) 23°C 17°C 8 moderate 1023 43

Sunrise 06:16 (BST)
Sunset 19:39 (BST) 26°C 16°C 12 poor 1022 64

Sunrise 06:17 (BST)
Sunset 19:37 (BST) 25°C 16°C 6 poor 1015 64

Sunrise 06:19 (BST)
Sunset 19:34 (BST) 22°C 12°C 7 moderate 1017 50

Sunrise 06:21 (BST)
Sunset 19:32 (BST) 20°C 11°C 12

Last week the weather was completely different every day, one day was very cold and then the next day would be very warm. I find it is cold in the early hours of the morning.

I tried to find the Tw channel 234 but I found I am not subscribed to it. I like watching war films one of my favourites are In whom we serve.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 249

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat did you ever watch the password is courage,it ends with two on a fire engine, just riding past colums of germans, ringing the bell.they sing(far thee well for i must leave you)
it is the history channel 234,
its one of the best channels you can have, i take you dont have tcm/film channel. they have loads of war films.
keep your eye on 444 film four, there are some war ones on there now and them.
after i dropped the internet, i increased to the supreme package
if i want i can have the v.o.d.
for nothing, but there is nothing worth recording,i havent even recorded a film on the video for months lolsmiley - discojimxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 250

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I have not seen the film Pasword is Courage, I will watch out for it whenever I see it on the History channel. I have seen other WW11 films on there before but is has been a while.

My video recorder is not very good, one day I ended up recording the wrong tv channel.

I have not been on much on the computer but tomorrow I will make up for lost time.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 251

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
the best war film, that is as near to the truth of the cockups in the d day build up and after is called,the longest day, by daryl,f zanuck.its in black and white, but if you see it for what it is, and forget that loads of top stars are in the film, its a realistic film of what really the american where given a clicker,(metal click frog)so that if a soldier heard a noise the clicker would be a signal to say the other clicker was a comrade.
but the americans got it wrong,
the germans main rifle was a blot action, so if the german pulled the bolt back and then sharp forward the sound would be click click, like the frog.
there a lots more of cockups shown in the film.smiley - discojimxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 252

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

ops theat should be, "bolt action rifle"lolsmiley - disco

hello Kat

Post 253

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I heard about the disaster that happened with the US on the Day Landings but I cannot remember what were the code names for these Landings.

My Late Dad would tell me stories about the cock ups that US armed forces during the second world war - quite a few was caused by friendly fire on their troops or allies.

That definelty was not a good idea using a metal clicker, it showed how little they knew about the Germans weapons. If they had good military intelligence they would not have made that mistake.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 254

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat the main one was overlord,and at one time it was thought that a professer in a colledge was a spy, because he wrote crosswords and overlord and juno was in the puzzle
the beaches i remember where,
juno,sword,gold.and another i cant bring to mind.
there was a film based on a man who was to be captured by the germans with info he beleived to be real about the false place they where to land, so sending the germans reservses to the wrong place
but the man who was choosen to be the decoy, was supposed to have a low pain threashold and was to have given the false info, beleiving it to be real in one day, but the man held out for 4 days, nearly mesing the landings up,
the man at the end keeps up the story he didnt say anything, but they knew when the germans did what they wanted he had, he is told that he shouldnt be ashamed he was supposed to tell the germans but he wasnt expected to hold out for days.
cant remeber the films title im afraid.
smiley - discojimxxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 255

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

Thank you for the information about the D Day Landings. I heard that there was not any weather forecasts during the World War 11 and that all road signs had been taken away. I heard the story about a man who was planted to give false information on the D Day Landings but I do not much else. I knew there was a man who was dressed up as Field Marshall Montgomery and the film was called I was Monty's Double.

I have just found out some good news about my carpets. The gardener/handyman came to my flat to do the lawn and fix the garden gate/door that there was a market on Saturdays locally and they sell very cheap carpets and that they deliver. I saw them last week but I was a bit wary about trying them and that I did not think that they would deliver. I looked at the prices of the carpet and they are a lot cheaper than you would get at carpet shops. They do not lay the carpet but the handyman will do it for me. I also found out how to make my old computer base safe. Just open the hard drive and take out the disk and destroy it.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 256

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
you can either remove the disc and discard,or you can wipe the disc and use again,its wise to have a friend wipe the disc.
an harddrive can cost from £30 to £50 depending on the gigs you are using.
on the landings they did remove or turn the signs, but each unit was issued with a map, but the info was old and out of date, and many units got lost, or ended up in a fire fight in german lines.
the maps where compiled from info from the french that came to britain, they handed anything over to the special forces,but as some was way out, the cartographers didnt do a good job.
and what made things worse is that the germans had english speaking,dressed in american uniforms directing traffic, as they where fiveth columnists.
over 1 third of bridges that should have been distroyed after the troops crossed to slow the germans, where intact, as the men that where setting the charges where germans again mascarading.
if you watched,the battle of the bulge,it uses the german infiltraters in the story.
in every film connected with the war, there is a peice of what happened used in the storyline.
smiley - discojimxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 257

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

Thank you for the suggestions about my old disk but I do not know anyone locally to help me to wipe the disk. The charity that I got it from is over 50 miles away and I have been waiting for nearly 3 months for them to take the computer base away and old printers but as they are have few drivers, they can only come if they are coming by this way either if they are picking other computers or delivering them. The handyman said he will help me get the disk out and break it up.

I read this story a few days ago on teletext and heard it on the news:

WWII Nazi code-break has been re-enacted

A team of 60 enthusiasts has spent 10 years building a working replica of the code-breaking machines that were used to decipher thousands of Nazi messages.

The machines that were all dismantled in 1945 and there were no design drawings that survived.

Later on this month the replica will be shown at Bletchley Park, in Bucks, where the original codes were cracked.

The reconstruction project will be open to the public from July 2007 - but people will be able to see the machine in action at the Churchill and Enigma Reunion weekend on 23 and 24 September.

Thank you for the information about the battle of the bulge and the D-Day landings. I Ihave seen it a few years ago.

Take care Jimsmiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

hello Kat

Post 258

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
sorry i didnt get on last night, i was tired, and i wanted to watch the film,wrong turn,horror thing, not bad but tame.
i have over 20 video tapes of old original horror films some are comedy ones.
but no one wants them, so they are gathering dust in a box behind the sofa.
one is the original bogey man,banned,in 1982 when it came out, as a video nasty.
glad to hear your on the track of some cheap carpet, but check it out, to make sure there isnt a flaw that can be a hole later on.
did you get the thin scart lead, it should solve the problem you had with it coming out of the socket.smiley - discojimxxxxx

hello Kat

Post 259

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

I went to one of the local cafes for a late breakfast this morning, the whole works: sausages, bacon, tomatoes, beans & hash browns and a mug of coffee. I got the scart cable, I went to three different places to compare prices and I have got it now and its working well and it fixes into the back of the tv very well.

I have got a packet of descaler powder for my kettle, I keep on wanting to get a packet but I keep on forgetting to get it when I go shopping. I am not very god with shopping lists either I write and forget to take or I write take it with me and lose it.

I went to my local chemist today and I got quite a few good buys in toileteries all £1 each.

smiley - cheerssmiley - taThe carpet stall holder also has a carpet warehouse too. I will make sure that there is not a flaw in it.

There was a lovely full moon last night at the front of my masionette and I woke early this morning just before 6 am with the full moon at the back of my garden.

I used to have videos of the Hammer House Horror films taped from tv by my late Dad. One was about a man who was frightened he will be buried alive so he had his own coffin made in a mauselim. It had several alarms and gadgets to help him get out incase he is buried alive. This backfired as his wife and other acomplices through various plans got him to be declared dead because he became cataleptic. He then was buried alive and at the end you can hear the song Miss Monay Mallow. I do not know if he managed to escape his coffin.

Take care Jim and I hope you will have a good daysmiley - cuddlesmiley - hug

hello Kat

Post 260

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi kat
i remeber a tales of the unexpected one, simalar,a man tells people he cant die, and they wont beleive him.
one day he falls of a roof and is presumed dead,only one person will help and beleive him.
the story goes from him seeing the slab then the the peple being brought in, and the attendent saying, this ones to be sorted tomorrow meaning him,
hour after hour, he keeps waiting for the door and the light to go on, when his mate convices them he,s alaive, but the sun comes throught the window,and the door opens, and they wheel a trolley in, and an attendent say, this one was racing to get to us when he crashed into a lorry,
and as the trolley goes past he sees its his mate,and then the power saw heading for his head.
followed by a terrific scream as the top of his head is sliced off.
i watch loads of of them, some where good.
one was a woman who shot her husband in an office, and there was no gun, the widow was locked, so the police had to let her go.
a few years later on,one of the dc,s saw an old poster, showing the wife was in the past able to eat anything including iron.
glad to hear the scart is better.
should even make the picture better.smiley - discojimxxxxx

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