The Red Hot Chili Peppers

The 'funk-rock' band-The Red Hot Chili Peppers first formed in 1983 when Anthony Kiedis, Flea, Hillel Slovak and Jack Irons (now in Pearl Jam) met at Fairfax High School, LA. Their first album was released in 1984 and simply named The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Kiedis and Flea wrote their very first song-Out in L.A. They produced a couple of other albums, none of which were particularly successful. Slovak quit the band in 88' due to his heroin addiction and later died of an overdose. Irons left the band after Slovak's death. They were replaced with Chad Smith and John Frusciante. Together the new band brought out the popular album Blood Sugar Sex Magik in 1991 which included hits Under the Bridge and Give it Away. But just as the Chili's were becoming successful, Frusciante quit to become a junkie.
He was replaced with guitarist Dave Navarro and the band released disappointing One Hot Minute in 1995. Frusciante came back in 1998 after a near-death experience with heroin and together the Chili Peppers made a brilliant comeback producing the amazing Californication in 99'.
There are 4 members in the band:-
Anthony Kiedis-vocals
Michael Balzary (known as 'Flea')-bass guitar
John Frusciante-guitar
Chad Smith-drums
List of Albums and Tracks
Red Hot Chili Peppers (1984)
Freaky Styley (1985)
The Uplift Mofo Party Plan(1987)
Mother's Milk(1989)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik(1991)
One Hot Minute (1995)
By the Way(2002)
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Hello from your ACE... | Jul 20, 2002 |
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Right is wrong? | Jul 22, 2002 | No Replies |
Keri (keeper of pink 'n' purple)
Researcher U198935
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