Well, this is undoubtedly where I should enter my introduction, filled with pithy comments and clever witticisms. The problem, however, is that I don't feel particularly witty this morning. You see, we're currently experiencing a record high of 108 degrees F (42 degrees C), and the bloody air conditioning is off on this floor because some brainless a*****e who can't get the hang of digital watches played around with the thermostat and overloaded the system. And, of course, the fellows from the A/C company can't get here until "some time tomorrow afternoon". So, witty is just beyond me at the moment.
Pithy, however, I might be able to come up with. Or could have, before I went off on the air conditioner. It's far too late to be concise and full of meaning at this point, although I might qualify as being full of pith. Just need to develop a speech impediment for that.
Well, I'm afraid I'm not off to a very good start here. The good news, I guess, is that I have very little to live up to, so little that I can even get away with ending my sentences with prepositions. I can only improve from this point....
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Bob Dehnhardt
Researcher U198410
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