This is the Message Centre for AuntieH
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Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Started conversation Jul 11, 2002
hi AuntieH....welcome to h2g2..i'm of the many ACEs'..(Assistant Community Editors)..we're here to offer you a warm welcome..advice & links to help you find your way can click on any of the numbered links below..
have a ..
..put your feet up..relax..&..let your fingers do the walking..
you might like to hitch a ride on our tour..@ A317459
loads more smileys to choose from..@ A155909
the slang used here can be a bit confusung..h2jargon explains all..@ A632431
you can customise your space..using what is available through h2g2..i've not finished gives an idea of what's available..@ A768594
2..ACEs'..have created hints & links for new researchers..Feisors'..@ A719840 ..&..Rocket Mans'..@ A725500
like most communities we have Clubs & Societies..find out about these..@ A660340
hope you find these helpful..& enjoy yourself reply to this 'reply' below..
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