Your Friendly Neighbourhood Chaos Surfer

Hello... if you're reading this you're either very kind in humouring a newcomer or probably just lost "far out in the unchartered backwaters" of cyberspace (my oblique paean to Adams :))

I'm of South African descent and have been living in the UK for a year now, taking advantage of the two year working holiday visa available to Commonwealth citizens. I trained as a doctor and work in London in the field of anaesthesia as a senior house officer.

As a complete newbie I'm totally intrigued by h2g2, and as a big fan of Douglas Adams I'm very touched to see this online memorial to him buzzing with activity.

So... about me... I am fascinated by quantum physics & chaos theory, though I have only a basic grasp of it, gleaned from weekly devourings of New Scientist and popular science books. Like most single males in their late 20s I'm clinging fervently to my teenage passions of scifi, comic books and surfing... both the online and oceanic types (the latter I'm spectacularly bad at but nevertheless enjoy.)

I have a broad and ecletic taste in reading and music that borders on the surreal; I will, for example, very easily follow Nirvana with Ella Fitzgerald or bookend the Bach St Matthew Passion with Phantom Planet and ABBA (yes I'm a closet ABBA fan.) No wonder reading "Hitchhiker" at the age of 12 was a complete epiphany for me.

My other hobbies include writing, cramming my head full of useless but fascinating trivia and losing my keys. So... talk to me if you like... I love a good conversation.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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