This is the Message Centre for U198166

Researcher 198166....

Post 21


someone once told me that there was 6 IN THE MORNING,never seen one myself but I took his word for it smiley - laughsmiley - laugh


Researcher 198166....

Post 22

Ming Mang

Very wise. 6 is not a good time to get up in the morning...


Researcher 198166....

Post 23


I have seen a 2 in the morning but that was geting IN bed not OUT smiley - silly

manda smiley - magic

Researcher 198166....

Post 24


dont ever get out of bed

Researcher 198166....

Post 25


I have a hard time getting in bed at that time of a mornig so once I am there I like to stop there smiley - cheers

manda smiley - magic

Researcher 198166....

Post 26

Ming Mang

Wise words zaphod. smiley - smiley

I've seen all hours of the day... and night... I've been awake for 36 hours continuously, so it was rather difficult to avoid them all. smiley - erm


Researcher 198166....

Post 27


i havent been talking to myace becose im studing the dark arts/black magic

Researcher 198166....

Post 28

Ming Mang

How are they going then? smiley - smiley


Researcher 198166....

Post 29


Hi Ming Mang smiley - ok
Hi zaphod smiley - ok

How are you smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

Researcher 198166....

Post 30


very good but i cant help seting fire 2 some things

Researcher 198166....

Post 31


Hope its nothing important that you set fire to smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

manda smiley - magic

Researcher 198166....

Post 32

Ming Mang

Don't go setting fire to explosive things! smiley - yikes


Researcher 198166....

Post 33


Well not when me or Ming Mang are standing there smiley - yikessmiley - yikes

Researcher 198166....

Post 34


why woud i do that *suffes away from car on fire*

Researcher 198166....

Post 35

Ming Mang

Because setting fire to explosive things is fun maybe? smiley - winkeye


Researcher 198166....

Post 36


er ming ur hairs on fire

Researcher 198166....

Post 37

Ming Mang

smiley - yikes
*sticks head in convenient bucket of carbon dioxide*
*starts suffocating*


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