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Welcome back!

Post 41


well as i used to a chef this is probably an easy peasy thingsmiley - laugh

Welcome back!

Post 42

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

good good, in that case id like a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings!

smiley - holly

Welcome back!

Post 43


no problems at all and when would you like it smiley - biggrin

dons smiley - chef whites

Welcome back!

Post 44

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

as soon as possible, if you please!

Welcome back!

Post 45


well would you like a prawn cocktail or tomato soup to start with?

then will you be having roast turkey with all the trimings sprouts and everthing?

Welcome back!

Post 46

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

defently prawns, not too much sourse, id like it like a medieval banquet, everything you can possibly get, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm........

Welcome back!

Post 47


ooooooooooh medieval now that will be a challengesmiley - erm can you help me outsmiley - doh

Welcome back!

Post 48

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

ok, um...well they had goose, pidgeons, swans (though we are not royalty) every sort of meat, cured salted etc, and sweets everywhere, may have to invite more people around to eat it all though, oh yes, and gallons of gravy!

Welcome back!

Post 49


*pulls large pot onto stove *

well at least the gravy is sorted!!

*sets off to trafalgar squre in search of pidgeons*smiley - laugh

Welcome back!

Post 50

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

lol, wash then pigeons, i like mine flea free!

Welcome back!

Post 51


well it could be extra nutrition i bet the medieval folk didnt worry about fleas <laugh. and we want to make it traditionallysmiley - biggrin

Welcome back!

Post 52

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

spose, i cant wait...lovely! smiley - biggrin

Welcome back!

Post 53


*all this salt*smiley - ill

*i can just feel my arteries clogging up*smiley - laugh
nice to see you using your name very sneeky using a smileysmiley - biggrin

Welcome back!

Post 54

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

ssshhhhh, noone knows...i mean yes, my ny name is biggrin, yes, and well it is nearly christmas

Welcome back!

Post 55


smiley - ok

and how are you *biggrin*smiley - laugh

Welcome back!

Post 56

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

im fine, great even, going to see the two towers with a mate of mine

Welcome back!

Post 57


lucky yousmiley - sadface while i am workingsmiley - wah

Welcome back!

Post 58

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

the film was awsome, it had everything, drama, some romance, tradgy, and humer, plus of corse, action all the way, you have got to see it!!
smiley - dragon

Welcome back!

Post 59


i will try still havent seen harry potter 2 yetsmiley - sadface

Welcome back!

Post 60

*Holly 'my duck is on fire' Hale*

thats a really good film as well, see them both!

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