This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
Excuse me, sir
NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P Started conversation Feb 22, 2003
...but I'd like to know who I'm speaking to. What IS your name, your location, your station in life? Are you really British, or just a UK afficionado? Your age, your interests, your blood type? What is the color of your hair, and what size shoes are you wearing? What style? What shoe company? In what store did you pick them up? Who did you go with? Did that influence your shopping decisions? Why *Ancient* Brit? Do you have unresolved feelings about the British Empire? Is this a throwback to colonialism and your mixed feelings about neo-colonialism? What relationship does your name have with the IMF? The CIA? Would this have any bearing on why you're interested in standardized and nationalized identification and verification systems? If you were YoungBrit, would it be any different? Or are you *really* YoungBrit and are just roleplaying AncientBrit; are you confused about your online persona?
Excuse me, sir
Ancient Brit Posted Feb 22, 2003
Feel free to Lurk around young man you will find out all you need to know about me. The name says it all. No roll play or make believe.
From your card I see that you are Jonathan M. who's picture is up in the staff section of, a site that you co-own. If I remember correctly you come from Washington Heights, a Dominican neighborhood in upper Manhattan, NYC. You are part Irish, Cherokee, and Black. You a self self-styled NYC chauvanist, so I must watch out. Your an Urban Planning major in Cornell University at the moment, partly because your interested and also write (rant) prolifically on political issues, so I must watch out again.
Haven't we met before ? F43030?thread=249315
How many times must I tell you that if you want my views on ID Cards you should read. F19585?thread=194089 you know the conversation where you jumped in around post 363.
Excuse me, sir
NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P Posted Feb 22, 2003
Yes, but to better facilitate my understanding of your views I'd rather hear more about you.
Excuse me, sir
Ancient Brit Posted Feb 23, 2003
Then you must lurk a little as I said.
I'm sure that if you do we could fall in again.
But please put your hand on your heart and proclaim "I denounce ranting"
I don't want to be STUMPED by a cynical little disaffected college student fuzzball that majors in city planning for starry-eyed ideological reasons, yet chooses to study under an evil megalomaniacal profit-oriented corporation that dares call itself an educational institution.
"Watch out" I could quote you ad infinitum.
Excuse me, sir
NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P Posted Feb 23, 2003
Please stop quoting me. It's annoying. Now tell me who you are. I didn't ask you who *I* am, I asked you who *you* are. It was apparently very important for you to know, and for the interests of me knowing that you're not some sketchy character looking to hack into my bank accounts, you tell me who you are. =p
Excuse me, sir
Ancient Brit Posted Feb 23, 2003
You say "Now tell me who you are"
I find it very strange that you almost demand me to tell you who I am.
Why do you find this so necessary ?
I have no inclination to tell you more about myself. This time I quote from my personal space with regard to my character on h2g2 "Anyone familiar with lurking in h2g2 will be able to resurrect it and read it if they are really interested."
One thing I will tell you in order to put your mind at rest. I do not 'Hack'. I only read what you yourself have openly shouted from the roof tops.
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Excuse me, sir
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