This is the Message Centre for Super Shiny Sarah

Hi there.....

Post 181

Researcher 159112

Was that when I left my umbrella in his car? I can't remember. But there was loud Robbie involved smiley - biggrin

Hi there.....

Post 182

Super Shiny Sarah

It was. 'Cos I was stuck at home on my own that day (the Monday before Christmas) and when I found out he'd spent the day with you I was soooo jealous smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 183

Researcher 159112

smiley - sadface Sorry...It wasn't actually planned. My parents were confused and we all ended up going to Hereford...

Hi there.....

Post 184

Super Shiny Sarah

It's ok smiley - smiley I'm sure it wasn't your fault smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 185

Researcher 159112

hmmm... no. It was his smiley - biggrin

Hi there.....

Post 186

Super Shiny Sarah

Usually is. smiley - smiley When it's not mine.

Hi there.....

Post 187

Researcher 159112

Well it definitely wasn't your fault! smiley - biggrin

Hi there.....

Post 188

Super Shiny Sarah

Oh, I expect he'd say it was, if it suited him. And I'd agree... anything for a quiet life smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 189

Researcher 159112

Don't you stand up to your man? smiley - biggrin

Hi there.....

Post 190

Super Shiny Sarah

Sometimes. But sometimes I don't want to damage him. smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 191

Researcher 159112

I think he's tougher than he looks smiley - winkeye

urrrgh... did no work today. so I'm staying up for a midnight session. Chris (my brother) got confirmed, so we had a big party, and then of course I had to watch Corrie, and Heartbeat, and Cold Feet smiley - cry.....

smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 192

Super Shiny Sarah

Ooh, we had a party yesterday too! For my birthday. Lots of people and trifle and pizzas. I ate far too much, again. And did no work. Now I'm in school, supposedly doing English but getting nowhere. I hate school!! smiley - grr
Tough? Him? Maybe... smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 193

Researcher 159112

ooooh! Happy Birthday smiley - hug Does that mean you're 18???

Hi there.....

Post 194

Super Shiny Sarah

smiley - hugThanks! Yes, I'm 18, but no, it doesn't feel any different. Although it did mean I could order a Next Directory without lying smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 195

Researcher 159112

omigod how scary. I've gotta wait *ages* to be 18!

It also means you can buy alcohol without lying / feeling guilty smiley - biggrin

Hi there.....

Post 196

Super Shiny Sarah

I've never bought alcohol, either illegally or otherwise. Isn't that sad? smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 197

Researcher 159112

I thought you were really into Archers?

Hi there.....

Post 198

Super Shiny Sarah

Yeah, but don't buy it. Get other people to do that for me. smiley - smiley

Hi there.....

Post 199

Researcher 159112

aaaahhh, cunning! Then you don't get the embarrassing "can i see your ID" "no" "I'm not serving you then" situation smiley - biggrin

Hi there.....

Post 200

Super Shiny Sarah

I bought alcohol yesterday! At Waitrose in Monmouth. And nobody asked for my ID. smiley - smiley
I could have done it months ago if I'd realised they weren't going to ask, I don't think I look any different! smiley - smiley

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