This is the Message Centre for Jenny_Tablina
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World Service Memoryshare team Started conversation Nov 26, 2002
Entry: The Sonic The hedgehog series,spin offs and secrets - A776568
Author: Jenny_Tablina - U197495
Submitter: Anna - U25
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market'
[...] Posted Apr 5, 2003
Why the smeg is this in the flea market?!
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Jenny_Tablina Posted Apr 5, 2003
^.^;; Ive taken quite a while to type up this entry, It's been a on-off project of sorts and I left it just a bit too long
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[...] Posted Apr 5, 2003
Well get it out! It's one the very few gaming entries around here!!
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Jenny_Tablina Posted Apr 5, 2003
Tis now free of the flea market and Im working on finishing touches right now
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Bluebottle Posted Jul 20, 2012
As this article has been left for 8 years, I'd like to rescue it from the Flea Market. My plan is to split it into 2 articles, one covering the 1990s, a second covering the 2000s.
The first article is under construction here:
A87765646 The Sonic the Hedgehog Series and Spin-offs: The 1990s
If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Bluebottle Posted Oct 10, 2012
The articles are:
1991-1999: A87765646
Peer Review: F48874?thread=8295155
2000-2004: A87766249
Peer Review: F48874?thread=8297099
Your entry is now in the Approved Guide
h2g2 Guide Editors Posted Mar 18, 2013
Hi Jenny_Tablina.
This Entry has, at long last, made it into the Approved Guide having been rescued from the Flea Market by researcher Bluebottle. The Edited version of the Entry may be found at URL:
We hope you agree that Bluebottle has done a fine job with your material and we hope you approve of it.
Your entry is now in the Approved Guide
Bluebottle Posted Oct 10, 2013
The second part is now in the approved guide here: A87800376
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market'
- 1: World Service Memoryshare team (Nov 26, 2002)
- 2: [...] (Apr 5, 2003)
- 3: Jenny_Tablina (Apr 5, 2003)
- 4: [...] (Apr 5, 2003)
- 5: Jenny_Tablina (Apr 5, 2003)
- 6: [...] (Apr 5, 2003)
- 7: Bluebottle (Jul 20, 2012)
- 8: Bluebottle (Oct 10, 2012)
- 9: h2g2 Guide Editors (Mar 18, 2013)
- 10: Bluebottle (Mar 19, 2013)
- 11: Bluebottle (Oct 10, 2013)
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