This is the Message Centre for Researcher U197087
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Christ up a stick I'm depressed.
zendevil Posted Apr 23, 2008
Zendevil prescription:
*phone in sick for max 3 days
*buy in a load of ,
, ice cream, something interesting to read & /or watch/listen to
*unplug phone & doorbell, close shutters/curtains
*Seethe, plot vile fates & then deviate onto fantasising deviant sex stuff..indulge
Do Not Wash Dishes or do any sort of household nonsense.
zdt* on her 3rd choc ice tonight. My life would be complete if tomorrow a Mormon or Jehovas Witness were to arrive at my door.
Christ up a stick I'm depressed.
Researcher U197087 Posted Apr 23, 2008
Sounds good to me!
Some God-botherers came round recently, only to drop off leaflets though. Gorgeous couple of young ladies. Would have invited them in to talk about original sin.
Christ up a stick I'm depressed.
Researcher U197087 Posted Apr 23, 2008
Had a chat on the phone with our department head this morning. She assured me her staff were of most importance to her (sure) and deafened me with her concern, saying that the job *might* start at the appropriate grade but I would have to apply for it with everyone else. Fair enough, if I want it.
While I don't want to skulk off at the first sign of responsibility I don't want to be stuck here with custody of a sinking ship either; assuming I can even cope with it.
Christ up a stick I'm depressed.
psychocandy-moderation team leader Posted Apr 23, 2008
If you'd actually have to apply for the promotion along with other people, you've got a good chance of not being stuck with it if you don't want it. One way to accomplish that is to wait a bit longer to apply than other people.
Now sounds like a good time for you to start sending your resumé out to other places, though.
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Christ up a stick I'm depressed.
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