This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 1

Lemon Blossom (aka Athena Albatross)


I disagree. Using "science fiction" as an insult to describe sometihng else is an insult to science fiction. And science fiction is not merely story telling (at least not in the hands of a good author)--it is an attempt to understand the nature of the world. Since such attempts as are made by science fiction authors cannot help but contradict the beliefs you have expressed, I suppose I should not be surprised that you dislike it.

That a five-year-old can debunk something shows little other than that a five-year-old cannot understand something complicated.


What makes you so different from other people then? If it is somehow knowing you god, why does he not cause all people to know him if the result of knowing him is to make them better?


With all due respect, I cannot help but wonder if you are hallucinating or having some sort of delusions if you claim to have met face-to-face the deity you have described.

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 2

Researcher 195767

Lemon Blossom,

What?! Science fiction is just that; fiction. That was the issue. The myth of evolution is fiction. It is dead easy to understand the nature of the world. Ask God and read His Scripture.

Indeed,it is not surprising that science fiction writers disagree with the views held by God's people. They are sinners, just like the vast majority, and they are spiritually blind and don't know God too. Therefore they begin in blindness and darkness and it is not surprising that their works contain no light.

You have missed the point. Every five year old knows that 'nothing' does not go 'BANG!'. (Little bang, big bang, or medium bang). Every five year old knows that if you put a sealed dark container of void into space and waited from it to explode nothing is going to happen. 'Evolution' is not just science fiction, it is laughable science nonsense!

I am different because there came a time in my life when God got hold of me, changed me, and made me his son, like He has done with all the tens of thousands of Christians in this land. (I exclude the majority nominals of course). He does not save everyone, and bring them to Himself; He saves whom He wishes, when He wishes. This is His Earth, He made and owns it. He does with it as He wishes. The reason why He does not bring everyone to know Him is long and complicated, so I am not going to go into that. However, everyone will see Jesus Christ face to face.

I did not say that I have met Him face to face yet, but that all WILL see Him face to face. I have met Him spiritually, which is the standard thing for all (real) Chrisitians.

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 3

Researcher 524695

"It is dead easy to understand the nature of the world. Ask God and read His Scripture."

Yeah, right. God forbid (literally) you should attempt to understand the nature of the world by looking at the world.

"Every five year old knows that 'nothing' does not go 'BANG!'."

And everyone who has a knowledge of quantum physics, with particular reference to virtual particles and zero point energy, knows that 'nothing' most certainly can and does go "bang" every second of every day. If 'nothing' couldn't go "bang", there'd be no such thing as Hawking radiation - and guess what? There is. I don't expect you to explain it, or even understand it. It would be nice if you stopped, in your complete ignorance of the subject, pretending it isn't as real as sunlight.

"Every five year old knows..."

Every five year old knows that a fat man with a beard climbs down their chimney with presents once a year. You place yourself on a similar intellectual level as a five year old Justin - and you're right, for once, to do so. One day, you may grow up. I doubt it.

"made me his son, like He has done with all the tens of thousands of Christians in this land"

Really, Christians are a dying breed, aren't they? It really is suspicious. A year or so ago, you stated, as revealed and therefore incontrovertible fact, that only about 1% of the UK were really Christians. This equates to about 600,000 people. Then, a matter of only a few months later, you stated as revealed and therefore incontrovertible fact that only 0.5% of the UK were really Christians. Given that REAL Christians - people who literally hear God speak to them - could not countenance conversion, and assuming half of them didn't emigrate at once, and given that your knowledge of the number of Christians in the UK comes directly from God and therefore must be correct - 300,000 Christians died. Spooky.

And now, a matter of a few months later, there are only "tens of thousands" of Christians.

Justin: where are they all going? What is happening to Christians in this country, that they have gone from being over half a million strong to a mere few tens of thousands in a little over a year? What is going on? I think we should be told...


Post 4

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 5


bookmark smiley - devil


in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 6

Lemon Blossom (aka Athena Albatross)


How do I get to talk to him? The Bible on its own is clearly not really evidence since the only evidence that it is real comes from it. How can I get to talk to "God" so that he can tell me in person that it is true?


Well, since the idea of science seems to be an anthema to the ideals of your religion (you want us to accept truth on authority instead of trying to figure it out by studying the universe), it would be astounding if any science fiction writer took your ideas very seriously.


But the problem is that a) the void a five year old knows about is in a universe, not in non-universal space; b) there is no really good reason to imagine that time existed before the universe; c) every five year old knows that inteligent beings don't appear out of nowhere, so where did your "God" come from? He must have been created by something else if we accept 5-year-old logic.


Then why both talling us about this? If we won't be saved unless he wants and for reasons we (the unsaved) won't understand, why not just let us have false piece of mind. If you can't offer us a way to get ourselves saved, why torment us with promises of hellfire? Unless you just want to make us unhappy?


What does it mean to "meet someone spiritually"? Do you hear their voice? Do ideas just pop into your head that you attribute to them?

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 7

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hello Justin smiley - smiley,

I have noted your return and intend, as always, to walk alongside you for a while. I do hope that you don't mind smiley - ok. As usual I shall deconstruct your fallacious twaddle with truth, and you will ignore me, almost like a child saying "la-la-la-la-la I can't hear you". No matter, I am not really here for you but for those who might take the dangerous nonsense you speak about God literally. I remain your friend because I still believe there is a good man in there who needs to be led back into the light.

Onto business. Teaching atheism in schools. You should be glad of this for two reasons:
1. It will give the excuse that many hard-line Christians have been looking for to withdraw their children from state schools and cut them off from the proper education they deserve.
2. It underlines your oft-stated belief that all Christians are peresecuted.

A question. If the Word of your God is so powerful and persuasive, how can a few teachers explaining why some people cannot see your 'truth' be so threatening?

Onto the "myth of evolution". You still banging this stable door Justin? Message: The horse bolted long ago! Evolution, as you well know, is based upon scientific observation of nature. Repeatable and simple experiments can prove it.

Unfortunately Creation theory cannot be proven. There are human monuments on earth that are older than the bible-calculated date of creation, never mind the non-human evidence.

Focusing on trying to rubbish such unassailable truths as Evolution water down your core message Justin. This literal interpretation of your scripture is what has driven so many educated people away from your dying faith. Why would they be interested in following any philosophy that clings to stupidity?

Thus you, and your kind, are failing your Lord Jesus for you are unable to spread His word in a convincing manner. Good one Justin smiley - ok.

The reason your God does not save everyone is neither long nor complicated. You have simply given up trying to give complex explanations as they unravel in second the minute the light of truth is applied to them. Even your own scripture often contradicts your convoluted reasonings.

If your God is true then the reason He does not choose everyone is simple sadism. You have never, in all our many conversations, been able to disprove this, you have simply fled - as I sadly expect you to do again.

A last question. You have frequently said and implied that I am a servant of the enemy and that I am Anti-Christ. Thus is it not your duty, as a preacher empowered by you love of Jesus, to oppose me? Ignoring me or fleeing from my arguments is just letting your enemy win.

If your truth is so unassailable then face me in this public place and show that your God is truth and that I serve the master of lies. If you will not face me then you do not have the faith you profess. You admit that all you speak is old myths, built on a shakey dogma that bolsters your own prejudices and a secret desire to atone for the wrongs you know you have committed in your past.

Guilt is a terrible master, which is why Christianity is so attractive.

Prove me wrong, or leave the field.

I'm calling you out preacher-man,
Matholwch /|\.

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 8

Researcher 195767

Lemon Blossom,

If you are not His He will not speak to you. If He chooses to draw you to Christ it is because He has undertaken to save you. When you are saved talking to Him is as natural as speaking to your nearest friend. But, as with all sinners, you don't know Him,and you have no sense of any proximity to Him. He is the only one who can change that. Seek Him out with all your heart.

I would not wish for you to do what you say. I know that intellectual knowledge of God would not make any difference to your standing before Him. He has inspired the Scripture, read that; beginning at John's gospel.

God is a spirit, and where He is there is no time. Just because you don't understand where God came from does not mean that He does not exist. All His people know Him! You will get to meet Jesus face to face, whatever happens. Everyone does.

My job is to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ, who gave His life to save you from sin, alive. Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto every creature."

Until you realise your utterly wicked state, and the certainty of Judgement Day and what follows that, you will have no need of a saviour. All do come to realise it though, mostly when it is much, much, too late.

When you come into His presence you will know. The life that He gave each one recognises its Maker, even though it has been cut off from Him for a long time.

This is not about 'logic', 'theology', 'philosophy', and such like. God is a Person, not an intellectual proposition like all the merely religious have.


in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 9

Lemon Blossom (aka Athena Albatross)


How does one seek him out?


If all you can give is intellectual knowledge of that and such knowledge is worthless, why bother?

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 10

Researcher 195767

Lemon Blossom,

When you are desperate to be rid of your sin, and your world has collapsed as you have seen what you are, you will know how to seek Him out. Until you get there you will not even know why you need Him. All the time you are comfortable in and with the way of this world you will not come to Him. Human beings are so wicked that they will not repent until they have to. God has to engineer repentence in the ones He is drawing.

You don't quite understand. I did not say that God said to go and give intellectual knowledge of those things, but go and preach the Word of God. That has power. "He that is sent of God speaks God's word." Christians are told to preach the truth, the Word of God. God applies to the hearts of those whom He is calling, often unknown to the preacher.


in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 11

Researcher 524695

Lemon: Allow me, if I may be so bold, to interpret:

"When you are desperate to be rid of your sin, and your world has collapsed as you have seen what you are,"

i.e. the only people who are likely to become Christians of Justin's ilk are people who have, through chance but more usually their own actions, made a REAL mess of their lives. Christianity is only, as Justin says here, for the truly desperate. An example would be, say, an alcoholic womaniser who betrays his barren marriage by fathering a child by one of his mistresses, and is then wracked with terrible guilt because of it. Crises like this make Christians, it seems.

"God has to engineer repentence in the ones He is drawing."

And here we come to it - the abrogation of responsibility so common in the religious. The comfortable delusion that all the terrible things that have happened in one's life - the alcohol abuse, the fornication, the adultery, the hypocrisy and lies - were NOT one's own fault: they were God's doing, engineering your repentence. No wonder Christians are so happy - nothing bad they've done is their fault, it's all God's way of drawing them to him. And better than that - there's not a damn thing they could have done about it. And better still, all those people who manage to live their lives well, the people who condemn the sort of behaviour pre-saved Christians get up to - they're heading for the burning. It's a beautifully complete and consistent psychosis, when you look at it.

"I did not say that God said to go and give intellectual knowledge of those things, but go and preach the Word of God."

See, Lemon Blossom, God created your rational mind in the same way he created your appendix and your tailbone - as a completely pointless waste of space neither he nor you have any use for.

You are NOT supposed to listen to a preacher in the same way you listen to say, a teacher. Do not expect it to make what adults call "sense". That is not what it is for. As Justin says, it has "power". Either you hear voices, or you don't. And if you don't, there's nothing you can do about it (barring blunt head trauma or certain drugs...). Sorry.

Hope this helps.

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 12

badger party tony party green party

Its certainly helped me Memeber.smiley - ok

Do you want to be my Messiah?

So I can hoover up all the drugs I want, sleep around steal and lie because the bigG is is doing all this to egineer in me repentence.smiley - cool I'll buy that. Do I have to wear special clothes is there a Memberhsip(!) card?

one love smiley - rainbow

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 13


Well, as long as you nighthoover the drugs...

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 14

badger party tony party green party

L E T T U C E _ S P R Y smiley - zen

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 15

blaue Augen

Hi Justin,

In post 213 of the "Children to study atheism at school" thread you wrote:
"Human beings are fundamentally wicked by nature,"

I don't understand that? I have two children (1 and 3 years) and I have never seen anything wicked in them. Yes, we can learn to be wicked, but I don't think it's there innately.

smiley - smiley

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 16


hi blaue! *waves* Long time no see!

Of course children are not innately wicked! That is just some warped concept in Justin's head. And he doesn't even have children so he knows not of what he speaks!


in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 17

Researcher 195767

Blaue Augen,

I did indeed say that, and that is what the Scripture says too. However, I did not say that you would see serious sin manifest in your children from day one, or imply that it would necessarily outwork in serious ways ever. However, the capacity to do as the worst and most evil people you could name lies in all human beings from conception. Thankfully, in most, it does not manifest in gross ways.

I would fully expect your children, except they be born again, to end up in horrendous crimes against God, like whoring/fornicating, lying, lust, disobedience to parents, etc. Those things are pretty well de rigeur in this sick world, and you may not have too much of a problem with that, but God does, and this is His world.

Yours, Justin

in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 18



Oh, for f**k's sake, Justin. That is a hideous thing to say about anybody's children even by your sick standards!

Blaue, if you don't know what Justin is all about already then please DO NOT take any of that seriously or to heart.

smiley - cross


in responce to your posting about atheism in schools

Post 19

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Justin smiley - smiley

"However, the capacity to do as the worst and most evil people you could name lies in all human beings from conception."

As does the capacity to express love, kindness, hope, pity, mercy, and the intelligence to see through your sad perspective upon humanity.

"I would fully expect your children, except they be born again, to end up in horrendous crimes against God, like whoring/fornicating, lying, lust, disobedience to parents, etc."

Oh Justin, you surpass yourself. Every time you seem played out you descend to new lows in your attempts to drag everyone else down to your level of despair and self-hatred.

You have been born again yet you continue to display a whole range of venal sins.

Let's just take one shall we - lying. This means not expressing the truth when it is called for, not just telling deliberate mis-truths. By being incredibly selective with the quotes you use from the Bible to bolster your warped world-view, you are denying your readers full access to the truth. You are filtering the Bible for what you want us to believe. This is dishonest. You are stealing their right to a full view of the argument.

What happens to those who are born again and continue to sin Justin?

Want to join the Sulphur Outfall No4 gang, we have a few places left?

Matholwch /|\.

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