This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

Circumcision Question

Post 1

The Last Imperial

Thank goodness I have finally found someone reasonable here to talk to. I am trying to be follow God's word in the Bible in the hope that he will choose to save me. I have a question about the Bible. I don't fully understand this. What is God's view on circumcision. I have recently had a son and I want to know whether or not to circumcise him.

Circumcision Question

Post 2

Researcher 195767

Well, Last Imperial, you have to do as God says in His Word. See Gal.5:2. The whole of Galatians should make the position clear.


Circumcision Question

Post 3


Specifically, it says:

"Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing".

But it later says: (5:6)

"For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love."

UNcircumcision? Did they have reconstructive plastic surgery in first century Galatia? Or is this another one of those stupid inconsistencies which real Christians find so funny?

And strangely, if you look in a different part of the same Bible, Genesis 17, 13-14, you find:

"He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant."

So make sure any slaves you buy are circumcised, as well as your son (assuming he was born in your house - God failed to foresee such things as maternity wards, it seems)

"And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant."

So, it seems pretty clear. Circumcise your child and yourself, or you break God's covenant, but then again don't bother because Paul says it won't profit you.

Can either of you please explain why Christian men are so obsessed with other men's penises?



Circumcision Question

Post 4

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

Believe it or not, according to a history of Rome I read, they did have such reconstruction. But, they just used a weight to strech skin, it wasn't surgery. Some Jews who wanted to be part of Roman life had it done, because the Romans found circumcision disgusting.

Circumcision Question

Post 5


I LOVE this site. You learn the wackiest things on it!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, RDO, for this knowledge.

Now if you can just enlighten me on the point of why it is Christian men are so obsessed with each other's penises, I'll be able to sleep peacefully...


Circumcision Question

Post 6


A refreshing attribute of the Asian population at Warwick is their ability to comment wryly on their own culture and make little 'in-jokes' - one of them mentioned that, because everyone assumes they're foreign, they can pass themselves off at being bad at English if things get tight. If only Christians could be more like that...?

'Now if you can just enlighten me on the point of why it is Christian men are so obsessed with each other's penises, I'll be able to sleep peacefully...'

Because we're all closet homosexuals. We merely circumsize as an excuse to peek at each other's penises - to 'check' it out. And we wrote Galacians to be intentionally confusing. Personally, the first thing I do when I see another Christian man is ask him to 'whip it out' so I can get a good look. Incidentally, in Sodom and Gomorrah, they were really just bad sh*gs.

Feel any better now? smiley - winkeye

Oh, and I think 'uncircumcision' meant that you didn't get it done in the first place.

- Jordan

Circumcision Question

Post 7

The Last Imperial

I think I see. I just wanted to be sure that I did understand Galatians right and that I should ignore the Old Testement, since the New Testiment replaces it. I wanted an expert's opinion. Thanks. I'm going to unsubscribe from this list, because it has been invaded by Satan's allies and I'm tired of listening to them. Thanks again.


Post 8


This post has been removed.

Circumcision Question

Post 9

The Last Imperial

Apparently I didn't unsubscribe soon enough. I really oughtn't dignify your statements with a responce, but I shall.

My decision, not that its really your buisness, is not to circumcise my son. Justin is right, the scriptures are rather clear on this.

You asked, "Are you from Justin's side of the fence, perhaps?". I suppose you mean, "Am I a true Christian?" No, as I have not come into personal communication with God, butI try to follow the scriptures as well as I, or any Sinner, can, and hope that God will soon save me, so that I may know Him.

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