This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767


Post 41


Justin, why can;t you answer a simple question with a simple answer, instead of drawing veils over it.
I asked you about the ill-treadtment of children, and you spout some garbage about the Roman Catholic Religion.
Children are abused by members of all faiths, so why does God allow it.
You can't answer, because you do not know, no more than any of us do.
I am not a Roman Catholic, it does not matter what faith I belong to, I respect what anyone believes, and it doesn't matter to me what religion they worship.
I have seen bigotry in action close up, and to me it is sheer stupidity.
If there is indeed one true God, then who is to say it is YOUR God.

smiley - blackcat


Post 42

Researcher 195767

Moon girl,

I thought I had but you did not make clear what you were talking about, I only thought that you were referring to the paedophiles of the pope religion, assuming that they were Christians, and hoping to make me guilty by association.

Let's just make this clear; NO CHRISTIAN IS INVOLVED IN CHILD ABUSE, though some nominal Christians are, no doubt. Witness the priests of the pope religion.

Are you charging Almighty God with unrighteousness?

It does not matter what men do, He is Holy and above men by a long way. If they sin that does not make Him guilty.

It is your master whom you serve in sin and wickedness every day of your life who is responsible for child abuse. You may not be involved yourself, and I sincerely hope you are not, but however you sin happens to manifest;sex outside marriage, lying, stealing, violence, or whatever, it is all the same before God, He does not see a whore or fornicator, a feminist or a sodomite, as any different from a paedophile. It is all sin and all ends up in the same lake of fire. How you got there is academic, and you won't avoid it by denial.

In short Almighty God is not going to allow it forever. Jesus will come again and rule with a rod of iron. The paedophiles will be severely punished, with no escape, as also will whores, fornicators, followers of 'alternative' religions, liars, killers, feminists, and thieves.

He will put a stop to it, rest assured. But He could not put a stop to their sin without putting a stop to yours at the same time, as that would be unfair. His standard is holiness, and He judges by that, not by any standard you care to choose, or anyone else.

You are attempting to make The One and Only True God to be on a par with the other gods. But there can only be one Maker of Heaven and Earth. I know God, and I know that He does not lie.

Hang around, you are going to believe Him. Almighty God has sworn by Himself, "As I live saith the Lord, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." You will believe, and you will confess the truth, one way or another. There are no unbelievers the other side of death's door. Denial may sound good to you now, but if you die without Jesus you will dearly wish you had not been so stupid, but then it will be too late.

God gave His Son's life to save you from sin and death. Find Him.

I have seen bigotry in action too, and history shows it with the Christian Killing Catholics and the murdering Muslims. But NO Christian would ever harm someone because they were a sinner, or in some demonic religion or other. Far from it!


Post 43

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Justin, do know about John Luke (U197974) a programmer who says you're a program he made up. Sounds like rubbish, but do you have any comments?

Atari smiley - smiley


Post 44

Noggin the Nog

Hi Moongirl. I don't know what Justin has written in his replies (they're still hidden) but at a guess. If you are one of those who KNOW God there is no possibility of being deceived. According to Justin, however, most of those who THINK they know God are in fact being just so deceived. The real question which you are asking, and which most of the rest of us have asked is "How do you know which of these two groups you yourself fall into?" or "How do you distinguish true knowledge from false knowledge when the outcome - the belief that you KNOW is the same in both cases?"

Unfortunately Justin doesn't seem to understand the question and merely keeps repeating that none of us understand the answer (that's the answer he refuses to give us, BTW).

Still, good luck in your quest for enlightenment.



Post 45


oops. I agree with Justin on this one...

Children are NOT innocent in anyway. In Justin's eyes, they commit sin. In mine, they are sly little devils, with a tendancy to lie and cheat and steal; diiscover masturbation, scratch other kids to pieces for a piece of power and generally annoy others to the point of screaming. But that's childhood. There's nothing wrong - that's how we all learn how to survive. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here today. That's nature and instincts for you...

Ignorance however, is a completely different thing. Something I am not sure we truly get a hold over.

What is this Baha-whatsit-faith?

Atari, how can you listen to ATR and then be peaceful? That's nutty! smiley - laugh


Post 46

Researcher 195767


Yes, bleep, bleep.



Post 47


The Baha'is believe in the oneness of God and that he is "an unknowable essence." As such, the way to comprehend him is closed to humankind.
Baha'u'llah, the Prophet founder of the Baha'i faith, states: "Exalted, immeasurably exalted, art Thou above the strivings of mortal man to unravel Thy mystery, to describe Thy glory, or even to hint at the nature of Thine essence. For whatever such strivings may accomplish, they never can hope to transcend the limitations imposed upon Thy creatures, inasmuch as these efforts are actuated by Thy decree, and are begotten of Thine invention.
The Most Holy Book of Baha'u'llah starts with this ordinance, that the first duty prescribed by God for his servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His Laws.
Baha'i adherents believe that all religions teach the same truth. They therefore reject all prejudice; racial, political, or otherwise; and stress ethical teachings such as world peace, education, and sexual equality.

Alji smiley - magicthe Magus


Post 48


Excuse the phrasing, but what b*****ks...

*reserves all other comment*


Post 49

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

That's pretty much it! smiley - wow


Post 50


It's just Christianity updated to be non-offensive and given some mystical name to make it sound important...

smiley - yawn


Post 51


*points to post 38* F92252?thread=231267&skip=20&show=20#p2739210

The Bahá'í Faith is not a branch of Christianity -- it is to Christianity what Christianity is to Judaism.

The reason that many of its principles may sound similar to those of Christianity and other religions is that one of the fundamental beliefs of Bahá'ís is that all true religions (including Christianity) come from the same God.

The reason for the different religions is why there was Christianity after Judaism -- different teachings apply to different times.



Post 52


smiley - steam

Be pedantic whydontcha.

smiley - laugh

For future reference, when I say Christianity, it is probably an inaccurate description...I usually include Catholics, Muslims, Judaism and anything with a *one almighty infallible God* ethos...

That is completely wrong, now I think about it. And I can't call it *organised religion* because that would include Buddhism, which I feel is a very valid and non offensive religion...

But it still sounds like updated non offensive Chrsitianity...after all...didn't the Pope celebrate Islam the other month?

Bah. I'm confused.


Post 53

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Don't worry, it is confusing and its hard to explain! smiley - winkeye


Post 54


Atari did you notice J's joke?

Alji smiley - magicthe Magus


Post 55

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Yes smiley - groan


Post 56


What, humour isn't Satanic as well? smiley - wow


Post 57

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

smiley - laugh


Post 58

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Rho smiley - smiley.

"one of the fundamental beliefs of Bahá'ís is that all true religions (including Christianity) come from the same God."

This interests me greatly. Which religions are included in this definition as 'true religions'?

Matholwch the Apostate /|\.

The Bahá'í Interpretation

Post 59


I've just come into this conversation and I have to say that Jesus would fall over laughing at the bigotry being written in his name here.

Most of it is Biblically unsound not to mention theologically unsound. The whole idea of Jesus' ministry was love. What is being written here in his name comes from ego.

People who preach 'you and your religion are wrong' are coming from ego. Jesus came from the perfect self. He taught a truth which is evident in the heart of all religions. He would hate it to think that his words of love are being misused so badly...and that his persona is being worshipped as opposed for what he stands for.


Post 60


I think Jesus would thoroughly approve of what I've read here of the Baha'i faith.

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