This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

scary & intresting

Post 1

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you are very scary & intresting person.

firstly I do not think that you have much respect for people of other regilion. I know that you do not have to like everybody, but do not jugde them respect their human rights.

secondly I think that you misquote the bible intentionaly to make only your thought the truth, but you forget to "love your neighbour".

Jesus saw the everyday people as his people. he did not exclude anyone.

to exclude anyone is wrong.
to exclude anyone is reason for war and mayhem.

I personaly think that most religions are abusing their powers. it is wrong to think that one regilion is better or less.

everyone is unique, equal and beautifull!


smiley - rainbowbeing and believer of good in people themselves

scary & intresting

Post 2

Researcher 195767


I have love for all people, but hate all sin and false religion. I think you have go the wrong idea, friend!

This is God's Earth, and all rights belong to Him, not to men (Hence you see the devil pushing for human rights all the time).

How do you know I don't love my neighbour? I love them enough to tell them the truth, even when they don't like it and hate me for it. There is only one way of escaping SIN, and that is through a Person, not a religion. If I knew the only way of escape from sin, its consequence;Hell, and then Judgement Day followed by a lake of fire, would I be loving not to tell them, just because it upset them?

Everyone is unique, and in one sense you are nearly right. There are two camps; those in Christ Jesus, who know Him, and hear Him speak to them, and everyone else, of whatever religion. All those in Christ will be saved, and all others lost. No sin of any type is going into Heaven.


scary & intresting

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you judge all people, because they have wrong regilion or faith in your eyes.

who gives you the right to jugde people!

Christ never jugde any one. he lived amoung his equals and saw them as equals. he hoped that see that everyone was equal. you do not see no body as your equal, because you put yourself pedestool something Christ never did.

you jugde people before jugdement day who gave you that right?
YOU gave yourself that right and NOT Christ.

earth belongs to people we responsiable to use it and use it responsible!

I am responsible for my own action like you are responsible for you action!

I do not like to jugde people, because it is not my task, but is not your task either. you need learn to love people for what they are.

you must feel under attack all the time. I do not ask to set aside your way of living or your religion, but step into life's reality, because you live in middle ages.

you are in prision of your own believe and do not let the people see you and you do not see them!

dare to live life!
dare to to take life as it is!

scary & intresting

Post 4

Researcher 195767


Wrong! I don't judge people! It is not my function to judge people, but as a servant of God it is my function to tell those who are going to Hell because of sin that there is a way to be free from sin, and to warn them that no amount of religion will deal with sin.

I do feel under attack sometimes, your master is a busy bunny. I don't live in the middle ages, friend, I live in Christ who is older than the creation of Heaven and Earth about six thousand years ago.

scary & intresting

Post 5

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? | a servant of God it is my function to tell those who are going to Hell because of sin...

according to me that is jugding people, because you use your diffination of sin.

you say that that people with other believes are not true believers again your jugde what think is good and bad.

you can not jugde without being biased, because you already made up your opinion. you do not give a person the right to choose themself. it is not you job to choose right or wrong of other people. we have something called Human Rights.

scary & intresting

Post 6

Researcher 195767


Ah, I see, sorry, I thought you were coming from another position.

God's people do not do or say contrary to what God says. I am a servant of the living God. I only state His Truth. If you have a problem with that then you are going to have a seriously big problem when He deals with all that is not in submission to Him on Judgement Day. Your problem is with Almighty God, who says that there are no valid mere religions, and who has made it abundantly clear that you will not be saved but by Jesus Christ Himself.

You would have said what you just did to the Lord Jesus Himself, if you were there, and you heard Him say, "I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life, NO MAN cometh to the Father but by ME."

You may well think you have human rights, but Almighty God says that ALL rights belong to Him, who made, owns, and sustains, Heaven and Earth. Human rights only exist in the minds of those who are God's enemies. Those who know God would not dare assert any 'rights'!


scary & intresting

Post 7

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

....I am a servant of the living God. I only state His Truth...

how can you jugde if you already made up your mind?
you already send some one to hell!

the living god is some one who wants the best out of people.

you can not jugde you without prejudice, because you have already proven to me to be regilious freak who thinks he knows that his way is only and right way. you think that you are God's Jugde and do not see God is love!

you only see the sins of others and not you own sin by jugding with predudice!

scary & intresting

Post 8

Researcher 195767


Hello again. You seem to have missed some bits somewhere; you have been wrongly taught.

It is not for me to send someone to Hell. You don't seem to have been told that Almighty God says that everyone is born on the road to Hell, and are going there anyway. The gospel is about saving people off the road they are on, and onto a new road.

The Word of God plainly says that all Christians are to discern who is and who is not the Lord's, as to not do so would mean it would be impossible to perform certain other things. To them move and condemn those found to be unsaved is, of course, judging, and wrong. But one is told to tell those who are not saved what their end is, and to offer them Christ.

God is love, but He is also righteousness, holiness, and a hater of sin, and many other things too, which are contrary to this world.


scary & intresting

Post 9

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you keep using your diffination of sin!

who says it is right on?

what is right or wrong is not for you to say!

the bible does not have all the answers!

scary & intresting

Post 10

Researcher 195767


If a Christian minister does not know, and cannot tell you, what sin is then who can?

In your unsaved state the Bible is as dry as dust and does not appear to have the answers, no. But the Lord's people have an know the Author of the Bible, and all God's truth which is revealed to man is in it, but you will not be able to see that until you meet Jesus.


scary & intresting

Post 11

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

be honest now!

you only choose the parts of bible wich give your selected view.

Jesus Christ is love and respect for all what lives, but only have eyes for bad. you are very sad man always looking for the bad.

scary & intresting

Post 12

Researcher 195767


I would not, and do not, selectively quote from the Word of God. It is all of a piece, and I am acutely aware that to make it say something it does not say is something which grieves God severely.

Would you like to show me Scripture for your position? Where does God reveal that He holds the position you state? I am a minister, I have studied the Word of God for just 17 years, it has to be said, not forty or fifty like some I know, and I can tell you that no such position appears in the Word. Those who have been Christians longer than me don't think so either. But if you are more clever let's hear it.....

Almighty God says that the whole world is full of sin and evil. He says that when He has finished saving out a people for Himself He is going to burn it with fire. That is what God thinks about it. Are you superior to Him?


scary & intresting

Post 13

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

firstly you are so incredable negative. you will die sad man not seeing the beauty of this world.

you are very close minded pesron. you must be sad man that you can not enjoy the companioship for other without jugding.

I am ex-christian, because holy wars and religious quest for power made my loose faith. I believe that people can see what is write or wrong if they listen more to heart. I am now student of all religions and seek the beauty of life.

People should think more with the heart and soul than with the mind, beause being person of heart and soul might have a pasion for beauty, goodness, love, peace and understanding.

A person who thinks too much with the mind might fight for power and war.

We must all become a being of heart and soul by start thinking beautiful and good, because they will win the hearts and souls of the world.

The world would be a much simpler place if everyone had only one belief. They should believe in the beauty and the goodness of themselves.

scary & intresting

Post 14

Researcher 195767


I am not remotely negative I have the living God!

Well, as Almighty God is 'closed minded' by your definition I am in good company. I tell you what He says, what He believes, and what He is going to do. If you have a problem with that you take it up with Him.

You never knew the Lord Jesus, and you never heard Him speak to you. You may have been in 'Christianity', friend, but you never knew God, as if you did you could not talk the way you do.

Almighty God says that this world is utterly evil, you think Him a liar, why?

There is no beauty or goodness in anyone. If there were the Lord Jesus would not have had to go on the Cross to save them. Their crimes against God, and what they are infected with, are so bad as to warrant what the Lord Jesus did for us, in our place. But you consider God a liar,and are prepared to spit on His blood, why?


scary & intresting

Post 15

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

again you only see bad....

I think that you do not have any clue what Jesus intentions are, because to do not realy listen to his message.

you give more and more the impression that you completely detached of everything that is remotely good and beautifull.

the way you look at world is negative that lost any sense of being alive.

I want end this dissucion, before I loose sanity too...

I wish you all the best in world. I hope you find some good in people soon, because if not you will never be happy.

scary & intresting

Post 16

Researcher 195767


I am not sure how you could know that as you do not know God, and are still excluded from His presence, and I am not, but there we are.

I have a brother who is a University Professor whose speciality is natural science, perhaps you would like to teach him about his subject too, seeing as you know better than those who know?


scary & intresting

Post 17

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

sorry, .I think that you will loose, because you jugde people and that is not your place. you are not the next Jesus. your jugdements are bigger sin in it self, than persons you condammed.

if you trow stone condamned person are you not as bad as he is!

scary & intresting

Post 18


Im acquanted with the bible, as someone who had an interest in religeon, and who was brought up Methodist. Using scripture and bible quotes is the weakest way to try to prove something as anything you can quote there is likely another quote which will refute that. Take revenge for instance, started off as an 'eye for an eye' ands as give your enemy whatever he wants...

I am a devout agnostic. I hold Atheists in the same light as I do people of religeon. If you can prove it to me either way, go for it...

I respect your right to religeon and your opinions, I do not tell you I think you have the wrong beliefs. We would all appreciate it if you would treat us the same on this site.

Thank you,

scary & intresting

Post 19

Researcher 195767

Hello Bob the Farmer,

The point is Bob that Almighty God does not see it the way you do, or others on the board do. It is not me that you have a problem with.

There is mercy for you, though, and all agnostics/atheists in Jesus Christ. You can and must come to know Him, as He does not respect anything that you have just outlined, and will have to burn all of it,and those who follow those things.


scary & intresting

Post 20


'Burn, Burn, yes ya gonna burn'

Strangely you didnt answer my arguement about scripture quotes being open to interpretation and many opposites and contradictions being found within the bible itself.


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