

Wow! I'm finally a researcher *tootles* - Yay!

Many thanks and tributes in Lizzie's general direction, for twas she what brung me here first!cheers And now here I am! As I believe I mentioned - Yay!

I am Kate (otherwise known as me) and I live in a big pink box by the seaside (in 'ampshiore - arr! *regional growl*) with two grown ups and a small male creature who we feed sometimes. I don't have any naminals at the moment but once owned a small colony of Hammies, and it is now my greatest ambition to own an ickle tree froggy!!! I use grammar very poorly (in case you had noticed), although I maintain that this is by choice and not cos my brain don't work. I like stuff (see list below), but only nice-fun stuff that isn't scary (like trigonometry *shudders*), and I am a fan, in a muchly big way, of mooses. Uuuuuummmmm, also, I am doing some rather important exams at the moment which may (if I can find the batteries for my brain)mean that I shall soon toddle off to university and any advice on this is very welcome (but please not to much about the drinking, I've heard a lot about the drinking...).

As I said, Lizzie, who has some rather sweet ratties that I am yet to meet:-D (hint hint)led me to h2g2 and it all looked huuuugely fun and jolly and full of lots of lovely people whom I would like to talk to, if I'm not already seeming to scary that is (I'm trying very hard not to!).

And now I will be quiet other than to add some remaining miscellaneous things. Salutations to all and I do hope someone will talk to me cos I am lovely really and only bite when absolutely necessary!


Here is a list of stuff I like:

*People who are nice and funny and not mean.
*Thinking in a sideways or diagonal direction.
*Tree frogs and mooses
*Books - esp Terry Pratchett and clever-humorous types of that ilk (The great D.A goes without saying I hope *tootles*)
*Poetry - of the unbearably romantic, rambling variety mostly)
*Fairy lights
*Fish finger sandwiches
*Using (brackets) for useless additional comments(which may or may not be appreciated!)
*Many many many other things which I will not bore people with now but feel free to ask.

Toodles for now and many happy returns of today fairy


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Kate - who just inhaled sherbert (is that how you spell it?)

Researcher U194506


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