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Update on me

Post 1


I've been very buisy smiley - runat late that why i aint been on here in ages I've been traveling to north wales and back to liverpoolsmiley - bus i feel like a yoyo as i've had some bad news about my(mum) her MS has become so bad it's now attacking her heart wich isn't good and she only 61 that young so i've been to and from hospitals last year mum moved into a care home 5 months ago in wales were mum's family all live, while there i went saw mum everyday made sure she has breathing aids and heart monitor mum also has to be peg fed by tube which is very distressing for me and my brothersmiley - sadface.

I came back last friday I'd been in wales 3 weeks it was lovely place to stay in (penmaemawr) North wales, i had come home as after a while i was starting get home sick and i missed mr hearts like mad and while i was away my pet budgie died which was upsetting me yet again,smiley - chick I came online first time saturday and i couldn't believe how meny email's i'd recieved from good friends who wondering were i was and getting worried about me thanks that was realy sweet of those to think of mesmiley - smiley

And to any other friends that were wondering why i wasn't online it was because there was no pc in my auntie house and the nearest library was 2 mile journey and i wasn't walking from pen to bangor on any motorway so i stayed paitent and came on as soon as i could.

I'm glad my brother finaly got himself a new start in wales with my family got himself a good job, and I,T course i'm realy proud of him as if he stayed in liverpool he still be a slob today smiley - whistle

Its valentines day Tomorrow i wonder who be lucky this year let me know who gets a card and all the smiley - love dovey that gose with it,

Lastweek the snow was bad now it's gone people beable to do what they wanted i still stick to what i love is smiley - snowman it brings very fond memories of i when i was little girl throwing and enjoying the slippery ice, all it seems do is cause chaos with people get to work and accidents on roads with cars.

When the sunny weather come's we prob be moaning that it's too hot mind you most us be down the beach with oursmiley - towels and it be nice see people enjoying the sunny weather, The weather i hate the most is the rain as it damages my hair so dose the sun but i like the way the sun natural bleeches my hairsmiley - tongueincheek

well thats the update on me.

p.s this is jake smiley - ghost he dosn't bite he just spooks people abit!

Update on me

Post 2

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

oh poor you
send my hopes she gets better to her

Update on me

Post 3



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