This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 41


if u try and find a internet cafe or online centre then u will be able to get into h2g2 as that's what i do and i don't have 2 pay 2 get online they are all over the place so it shouldn't be hard to find one and that will show telewest not to mess you about lmao

Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 42


Hello Andy smiley - batBig(((((((smiley - hugs))))))))

Hello smiley - vampireMike ((((((((smiley - monstersmiley - hugs))))))

Andysmiley - elf
Giant massive Huge ((((((smiley - hugs)))))))

I'm Back I'm useing My Cousin's Labtop To get on
Here It's Strange To Use I've nearly broke It twice lol

Here's a smiley - cakeand smiley - coffeeFor you all Help Yourselfsmiley - ok

smiley - love


Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 43


hiya hills

it's only me again lol sending up some giant massive huge (((((smiley - hugs))))) right back at ya

andy smiley - elf

Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 44


hi ya hun smiley - hug andsmiley - smooch

andysmiley - bat

Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 45


Hi Andy smiley - elfsmiley - kisssmiley - hug Hi andysmiley - batsmiley - smiley

Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 46

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

I'm back......

Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 47


lol I know Your Back smiley - loveI could smell you
smiley - jestering

Hiya Everyone ealse
smiley - winkeye

Andysmiley - elf
I realy need to talk to you Today about somethink It's Private Matter too
Spk laters sweetsmiley - love
Oh Can You Tell Everyone here that my brother edward is real someone called me liar said i've got no brother you know him don't you and so dose smiley - vampireUp above know him It's a pitty others can't see that Infact i have a baby brother that's asmiley - monsterlol

Giant Big smiley - hugs 1 each


Happy Valnetine's Wishes

Post 48


hi hun hows you ??

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