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New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 101


I going with 12 men family lol plus there m8s 32 men i wont cry We will WIN and reds will LOOSE smiley - smiley

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 102

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

we will see smiley - laugh

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 103

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Aaww poor babi.....these new shoes of mine are bloody killing me smiley - erm big cuddle for you hun smiley - cuddle xxxxxxx

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 104


Everton 0 Liverpool 0
smiley - biggrin

Hiya Mikesmiley - love
How are you I don't understand the email you sent me smiley - sorryCould you please exsplain why you sent me it?

Here's a Little Poem I wrote While Watching The Game

Life comes in like the tide
On a roar from the sea bed
And is already dying before its ebb
Existence is the time it takes for the waves to set,
And yet
Are they all deluded sitting here
feeling cold and wet watching fish play ball its a awful sight
Do they lie
Those blind with courage
who shout above the spray,
Never say die just because we are here waiting for life to return to normal we sit here watching the wind and think why we bother
till next time we start and we travel yet again just to see the Win of our lives and the fine men who give us sight this is where the night comes in and everywhere is hush All you can hear is the wind and the rain and that to me is realy sound.

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 105

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

I've explained honey (sort of lol) in a different thread.
How come you never rang me on Saturday then honey? smiley - erm xxxxxxx

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 106


Cos mike smiley - love I went the Match hon and after game i went the Pub with my brother n cousins n got Drunk

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 107

VampireMike is back and ready to unleash HELL!!!

Tsk tsk fancy getting drunk eh? lol xxxxxxx

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 108


smiley - wah

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 109

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

whats up hilary?

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 110


Family Problems and I miss andysmiley - elf We went for a day out yesterday smiley - smiley

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 111

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

oh dear theres always next time smiley - biggrin

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 112


yeah there is smiley - biggrin

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 113

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

and lots more times also smiley - biggrin

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 114


Yeah and i woke him up at 2am tuesday cos Robert my flat mate n i had fight n i walk street ended up by my mums n phone andy and next day Tue at morning we met up in town went out

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 115

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

you always seem to be doing something smiley - laugh

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 116


yeah i know why is Life so complicated Martin Why Do Leo Lions like my Flat m8 hav to make a song n dance just cos he wanted me i told Him Get Lost.

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 117

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

do he have a crush on you smiley - erm

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 118


More than that Martin I Can't rid of him he a proper idiot
I stoked the coubards and fridge and freezer up and with my money i bought the goods he says its his i can't touch it well someone i know who also lives with me He said we shud not let him Move in But he had no were to goand i don't like see people on streets not in this weather.

Hey martin have you Heard the News About Tramp Clamps
Aparently if a Tramp a Hobo is caught on the street he or she will get a Clamp and a Fine
I think the goverment should get rid that idea and open hostels fore them
its a wasete of money and tax payers money Its stupid what do you Think?

Should they Have Tramp Clamps?

Yes or No

I Think It's all waste of Good money Could go on them poor starveing children around the world and other Things Like getting the Youths off the streets ect.

New's Flash I'm running around Naked lol

Post 119

Boxing Baboon (half here an half there )

take em down the tip and throw them away with the rest of the trash smiley - yuk put clamps on eh? wont go far then smiley - biggrin

New's Flash The Frog Is online lol

Post 120



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