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My GrandFather's Wise Words

Post 1


As a Wise man once Said to my Grandfather, "Everyone Has their own grail", And the cup, of holy Grail or not brings the Rich and The pilgrim together to find what they were realy SEEKING, love the greatest mystery of All.
smiley - biggrin

My GrandFather's Wise Words

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

gets Indiana Jones feeling!

I would like to say that some ones (holy) grail does not have to be some thing material, but can also be a chain of thoughts or love for something in comon.

sadly material things can be reason for power struggles. I am against all things holy, because it is another reason for one to be jalous of other.

I like the basics of the wisdom al lot!

My GrandFather's Wise Words

Post 3


My Grandfather Agrees with you There Phel
He said to me He wishes he could be more wiser than he is but I say he is wise after all If it was not for him my Dad would not have been Born and I would not have been born It's a moral thought i think,
anyway How are you phel
I'm no longer on injection form insulin My smiley - doctorput me on Tablet form insteadsmiley - smiley
Well i bettersmiley - flyhiI've lots of
posts to reply to you take care
sweetsmiley - loveand i speak with you soon

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