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The Designer Label Game

Post 1


Right This New Game Is How Meny Garments Of Cloths There are In Designer Labels From A to Z
Order You Must say What The Item Is
Example Jeans (Wrangler)
Bra (EllE)so On
smiley - dontpanicIf You Don't
Meny smiley - goodluck
smiley - biggrin

The Designer Label Game

Post 2

Boxing Baboon 2


The Designer Label Game

Post 3


Martin What Are your Nike ?
You Must say Nike Then What Your Item oF Footwear or Item of Cloths They are That's The Rules Of This Game

Adidas (Jumper)

The Designer Label Game

Post 4

Boxing Baboon 2

puma tracksuit

The Designer Label Game

Post 5


Lacose (Trainers)

The Designer Label Game

Post 6

Boxing Baboon 2

dunlop trainers

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