This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

I'm back boys and girls

Post 1


Hello all i'm back Oh thankyou anthony for looking after my thing's
heres a smiley - giftand for those i left out Have a smiley - stiffdrink
on me
smiley - biggrin

I'm back boys and girls

Post 2


hiya hilary hows things with u?

chat later


I'm back boys and girls

Post 3


andy i email you i need private word with you oh when you next got time off will you come to a antique show i gonner bid on some ornoments for my mum plus i selling a dinner plate its 1890s royal albert its worth 13 thousand i shud get well more for it i just need some1 with common sense with me you know what i like i spend spend spend did you find out how much HSBC wanted to open an account TSB want 200 plus 9 I'D i aint got 9 things with my name on.

I'm back boys and girls

Post 4


Hi Hilary

Phil is at it again, he thinks that i am you yet again.
How are you anyway, i hope you are well.
<smiley - love xx*NATS*xxxx

I'm back boys and girls

Post 5


Take No Notice We All Know you cannot have more than 1 name to The same email address now It's all changed Take No Notice Would you Like me to have a word Anyway Hows things with you i'm fine i've finaly found mr right after all the bad nasty wasps i attract lol You looking forward to christmas I am smiley - biggrin
tell him to read the New rules It Or better Still ignore him,

Take care
spk soon

I'm back boys and girls

Post 6


hiya hil soz i don't know when i'll have time off due 2 xmas fast approaching, where is this auction going 2 be held then? yeah i know wot u r like with money shame it's not me your'e spending it on though lol only joking lol. i've opened a isa and only needed a few things with my name on them one was a passport so that should help u if u want a isa as your would have 2 wait 4 thirty days before you could get any money out of it. hope that's been helpful

I'm back boys and girls

Post 7


The Auction is being Held In Birkenhead I'll treat you to a smiley - teaand a smiley - donutif you decide to come with me I spend spend spend thats my middle name lol
smiley - snowballat you lol

here eat thissmiley - chocbefore it melts

I'm back boys and girls

Post 8


nice one that would be a gr8 day out as well wot day is it going 2 be held then and i can make arrangements 2 meet u in birkenhead?

andy chucks a gr8 big smiley - snowball at hilary & smiley - runs off smiley - laughing his head off lol

smiley - kiss

right back at you andf thanx for the choclate

have some smiley - cake and a glass of smiley - bubbly but don't get 2 drunk otherwise u will fall over on u behind



I'm back boys and girls

Post 9


smiley - ermi better check wich day it will be there only open every 3 mnths don't ask me why the telly people will be there i've reg my plate with them the man said i should get around 14-15 thousand for it plus i have give them 60% for auction it off I'll get back to you

Throws a even bigger smiley - snowballat andy oh gawd i've made you wet all ready lol

would you like a bowl of scouse

Yes have a day out and you can tell me off when i'm spending my £££ i've saved up lots i have a penny jar now i put all my change in it so far i've
2oo quid in pennys thats to get a new gas cooker the one i got is rubbish
my brother got sectioned before i went away long story tell you in email.

I'm back boys and girls

Post 10


Hey what's been going on here since i have been absent,?
smiley - sorry this is getting later and later getting back to you, but i am always getting booted out smiley - wah
We don't want any accidents here do we, so less of the throwing otherwise i will start smiley - ok lol smiley - rofl

I'm back boys and girls

Post 11


hi nats
Andy here has been throwing smiley - snowballs at me and smiley - running off at top speed i've just landed him with a big giant water balloon that should smiley - coolhim down abit

Nats lets me and you get him tow females on one guy we shud be able to getsmiley - evilgrin

I know what you mean there my screen gose blank sometimes theres a virus going around the boxes so twest say anyway i aint got a pace box no more they gave me a brand new Calle the explorer 4101 i got a brand new remote its silver black and they even gave me a new kybrd free of charge
i've a silver keybrd

andy you better smiley - runlad i am going to soak you to your very skin just you watch out i'm right behind you smiley - tongueout

I'm back boys and girls

Post 12


Hi Hilary

Two females on one lad mmmm yeah that sounds good lol smiley - rofl
here Andy take that lmao smiley - biggrin
How dare you throw stuff at my friend, now that wasn't very nice at all lol smiley - laugh
I am glad that you got a new keyboard, i wish i had a new one.
Anyway i will let you smiley - run>>>> after Andy cos he deserves to be pelted with lol smiley - rofl
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

I'm back boys and girls

Post 13


hiya nats smiley - rofl

Andy you better run Lad cos this smiley - snowballs are gonner get you lol

let's see if we can't get martin as well while we at it,

smiley - wahyou know who won't leave me alone I'm vicki now and I'm starsmiley - sadface

Jason where are you my little snow prince come and chase this nasty man away

smiley - runnats andy may get us
This is fun
smiley - laugh

I'm back boys and girls

Post 14


I am not running away from a man, cos i am not scared lol smiley - biggrin
Anyway Andy won't get me, cos i will just have to get him lol smiley - rofl
Yeah it is fun isn't it, i like to be happy smiley - smiley
Awwww poor Martin what's he done, i don't think he has done anything or has he lmao ao smiley - rofl
smiley - snowballs smiley - snowballs for Andy cos he is picking on my friend lol smiley - rofl

I'm back boys and girls

Post 15


smiley - yikes lol

I'm back boys and girls

Post 16


glad i found this thread,thought you said on the phoneone 2 me some while ago that you wasent talking 2,*the*princess*of*hearts*,funny how you have changed your mind,aslo havent 4 gotten the time you sent a message 2 somone pretending 2 be lushylips saying thingas about me,dontn suppose you remember that do you,well i did,as i knew at that time she didnt come on here,as i was incontact with her on the pe phone and if you remember i told you so on here,re,and you can have more then 1 name on here,so you dont need 1 e-mail addy,as ive got more te then 1 name on here,but i only use this 1,you see i dont 4 get things that easy.

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