This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

A Big Thankyou To Everyone

Post 1


Just A Little Few Word's To Say
Thankyou To Everyone Who Has Helped Mesmiley - hugs
It's Nice To Know There Are Nice People Out There Who Will Listen To Mesmiley - blush
And To All My Friends And Family Who Have Been There With Theresmiley - loveAnd Support Andsmiley - cuddles And Have Stood By Me Through Thick N Thin You Are Simply The Bestsmiley - coolsmiley - cheerupsmiley - tongueoutI Know And Ismiley - loveYou All.smiley - loveblush
smiley - fairy

hi hun.

Post 2

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

no hun u are the best, smiley - smiley DAVE XXX

hi hun.

Post 3


Oh Dave You'll Have Mesmiley - loveblush
Thanks Your Pretty Specail Toosmiley - biggrin

hi hun.

Post 4

Dark Thunder

HIYA BABES U OK HUNNIE <love< smiley - hugsmiley - rose U KEEPING OK BABES

hi hun.

Post 5


Hiya Jasonsmiley - hugs
I'msmiley - okI wassmiley - wahupset Today But I'm smiley - cheerupnow I'm fine sweetsmiley - loveHow are you Today?

hi hun.

Post 6

Dark Thunder

smiley - rose Hiya sweetsmiley - love im fine hunnie just tired babes i've been fixing my page go and have a look babe smiley - rose it's finshed. Hunnie u ok now sweetsmiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - smiley mmwwaahhhhhhhh

hi hun.

Post 7


smiley - sadfaceI wish I wassmiley - okBut I'm Not I've Had Lot's of Problems On here Today and for the past couple of monthssmiley - wahI feel so unhappy I dunno what to do some days i feelsmiley - biggrinhappy some i feelsmiley - blueI'll take a peek at your page soon sweetsmiley - love
I feel Likesmiley - crying

hi hun.

Post 8

Dark Thunder

smiley - smiley come on babes give me a smiley - smiley hunnie smiley - hugsmiley - rose if u need nething sweetsmiley - love e-mail me my add is on my page sweetsmiley - love
mmmwwaaahhhhhhhh smiley - rose plzz take care darling ok smiley - rosesmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - lovesmiley - fullmoon

hi hun.

Post 9


What's that smiley on the end ?

You Can email me on
[email protected]

Here's a bigsmiley - smileyjust for you
I've seen Your Page I'm still Learning at Mo My Friend's are helping me as well.

hi hun.

Post 10

ant 316

thats okay smiley - love always be here for you

smiley - love ant

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