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What's A Mother Worth

Post 1


I humbly appraise my mothers worth It Began With Pain To Give Me Birth Which Triggered Off a Love So sTRONG, Blossoming into a Life Long Bond,
When Needed She Was Allway's There, Someone I realised Would Allway's Care And The Older I Got The More I Knew, a Mother's Love Sincere and True,
Now as I watch Mum age In Year's
I'm Happy To Help And ease her Fear's Privileged now to play My Part As she did from the very Start.
Ismiley - loveYou Mum

What's A Mother Worth

Post 2

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

smiley - love

I thought that was so sweet hun, i really really did.
It sound a bit like my mum's poems, what i done for her lol smiley - biggrin
I love my mum even though she doesn't hardly give it to me back, as much as i would like her too.
But i can't tell what kind of love does she give me, cos she never says it back when i tell her that i love her.
No the poems i have done for her, she has them in frames on the wall.
Anyway i came in to tell you that i like your poem, so do take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - hugsmiley - choc

What's A Mother Worth

Post 3


Hi Nat
I'm Glad You Liked My Poem
smiley - ta
Take care
smiley - fairy

What's A Mother Worth

Post 4

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Hilary

Of course i liked your poem, i thought it was lovely.
Did you do that one yourself, or was it one of your Nan's one's?
Anyway i will go for now and hope to speak soon.
You take care too smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rose

What's A Mother Worth

Post 5


hello everyone hows you been?

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