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Kin Of Love

Post 1


Blood is thicker Than water, It's True,But it indicates you should love where you hate Don't strain to love your Kin, Put distance between, And stay away To prevent ulcers, And don't question when The stranger in the street Tug's at your smiley - love,For here is your kin, The Kindred spirit puts out its hand,And shakes,
And awakes Love
So do you meet your mate,
No blood tie here but someone closer than your skin So don't worry When you cannot Love your Brother or your Mother Don't wilt as if under sin, You didn't ask for them to be your kin So throw away your Guilt as Love is No sin.
smiley - rose

Kin Of Love

Post 2

ant 316

that is very nice quote hun blood is thicker than water but in some cases it isnt lol

Kin Of Love

Post 3


That was not a Quote It was pure poetry and i write alot of poetry and poem's As the Day's are lonely and The houseWork is boreing and the poem's Take me away from day to day's Dull house work How i hate it I realy Do wash day is once a week that my friend is my perfect day every morning at 7 am i must hoover polish and clean untill my little place is shining bright and my Furnture smell's perfect I have help with the heavy work you Don't think I do it all my self Being brought up with money helps and family like my uncles let me borrow there House cleaner once a week so i Don't do the housework anymore I sit and write pure beautiful sexy lovely poetry One day i will be a authour My uncle say's i have to write make my dreams come true cos one day my friend your gonner see a change in me out gose the old H in come's this super good author And i hope you will be there with a smile upon your face holding my little hand's.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
just like you.
smiley - kisssmiley - lovesmiley - cuddle

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