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To a specail Friend with Thanks

Post 1


To a very Dear friend he is a smiley - sharkhe is on my list above I want to Thank him for Looking after my page and looking Out for me throughout the mnth's and to thank him For all his Helpful Advice and for allway's being there with a smile smiley - laugh
That friend you know who you are
smiley - hugs
Ps here's a little smiley - gift
I hope it fit's.
Ps.s You can tell some funny Wind up's as well smiley - laugh

To a specail Friend with Thanks

Post 2


Cheers. The shark..?

Le' shark.

Used to have one of them t-shirts from yonks ago n all!

Oh yeh, my new site

To a specail Friend with Thanks

Post 3


Na if i got yeah a T-shirt it be a Croc on it None that naff stuff for me Friend's
I allways get me Cousin's a lacos T-shirt each at xmas Time plus I knitt em a new rig out scarf n glove's each year.
Le shark that went out with the smiley - moonlol
Na if yeah ever visit Liverpool
Scouser Land we all wear the Big Brand Names and If yeah wanna know why we wear shellsuit's It because Where Hardsmiley - laugh
But the clowns in my home Town who Give us a Bad name wear The wig's Lol

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