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what i've been up2

Post 1


Well Hello to all my old friends on here smiley - sorryi've not been on h2g2 or collective for a while i've been visit other sites and i've found a site that you can find old school pals from any date and year friendsreunited i go there alot with my hubby andrew to find old pals so far we have found 19 of them and thats just the beginning.
smiley - biggrin
i see valentines day around the corner once again wonder what i'll get prob be a iron or maybe a nice dishwasher lol yeah yeah if i get another set of pans please smiley - run as you hear andrew running for his dear life lol anyway just to say my cousin sherlie had a baby girl she very cute not a cute as mine and andrew's smiley - gifts the best thing thats happpend to us in our relationship please exscuse my apauling spelling smiley - laughs
anyway if you want to leave me a reply you can let me know all your Gosssipsmiley - smiley
changed my email address [email protected]
that's me done i'm off to do some shopping online at Tesco yes i'm being bone idle today well the house is nice and calm and my little smiley - gifta sleep at mo.

what i've been up2

Post 2


i 4got you had a smiley - gift of your own how come you use morse code with pics i get it now you don't want swamp thing with his stench to know hey tell him if he carries on i'll wash him up rubber dub dub 3 men in a tube who do you think they were the butcher the baker and the swamp thing who stench was so high you could fly the nassa rocket off the fumes lol

C U around

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