This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*


Post 1



this is joe im the son of manic-mum off of ld i remember her talking about u and your name was on the list so now im chatting to ya!

my mum just asked to ask u if youve had your baby yet?

do u rememember her?
ill make her set up a h2g2 account l8r wen she gets!

joe xxx


Post 2


Yes i had the baby last year he was my son he died 2weeks ago though of a illness that Couldn't be saved or healed his name was Andrew how's your mum doing haven't spoke to her for ages
smiley - smiley

How you doing joe
what your age ect what you into
Nice to have met the son of a nice woman i was pals with

smiley - rose

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