This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*
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ah a fellow scouser
*Princess*of*Hearts* Posted Apr 8, 2006
Couldn't go this year as i had to do all the shopping
and with all the family probs i'm having in RL, it wasn't worth going
how are you today?
ah a fellow scouser
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Apr 8, 2006
tired. depressed because i have to go back to work. on the upo sid i have decided (finally) what i am going to studdy it will eather be at lipa or sthelans (as they both do the same cause) although i am now unshure if it will be this year as the missus does not know if they will let her go back as full time or will she have to stay as part time for now (ah the fun that is working studdying and raising kids hay)
ah a fellow scouser
Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to Posted Apr 17, 2006
yea it was good spent time goofing off with the kids, nothing to exiting how was yours, i wil write more late coz ime workin early talk to you later
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ah a fellow scouser
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