This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Hello from Donlope

Post 1


So, let's start again smiley - biggrin
Hello princess, how are you??
I am new here and I thought I would drop a line!
I'm coming from France more exactly Toulouse (in the south west) and am working for Airbus. I live there with my lovely girlfriend (we are together for 7 years now and I think I will propose her this year smiley - blush).
Apart from that, I love reading, going to cinema and to concerts (mainly to see rock bands).
Well, that's enough for a start...I hope it was better than the first time smiley - biggrin

Hello from Donlope

Post 2


Hi Donlope

I'm Hilary and i'm fine Thankyou and you?
I've been a memeber here too long now
I come from knowsely that's in merseyside (posh area)smiley - smiley I'm married to a wonderful man i met andrew off LD it's a friendship site we was friends for 7 year's then we been married for 2 year's we celebrate our 2nd year together today 23rd febsmiley - blush at the moment I'm looking after my mum i'm her care charge as my mother got MS multiple scerousis Mother been in a wheel chair for 18 years now went from wonderful woman to a baby me and my brother have to wash change and feed her like a baby she can still talk but the rest body dosn't work anymoresmiley - sadface
I like Music,smiley - books Going the Theatre and We both love spanish,italy,greek food i went to france meny smiley - moons ago with boarding school to south france called las tamaris it's a water sport place it was fab your hyper markets are very good, smiley - wow this first time i've typed a long post smiley - cool

hope to hear from you
Hilarysmiley - star

Hello from Donlope

Post 3


Thanks for writing so much smiley - winkeye
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your husband and you!!! <SMILEY TYPE="cake"/> I hope this is only the beginning and you will have lots of other birthdays to celebrate!
Have you planned something special for today??
Ohh, I'm really sorry for your mum, it may be hard to live and I think you're really courageous!
Funny that the thing you told about France is the quality of supermarkets smiley - biggrin, that made me laugh!

Hello from Donlope

Post 4


Yes we did have a Nice happy Aniversary smiley - biggrin we made a effort to talk more and made lot's promises we going take lots of holidays and spend lot time together as andrew works 7 days a week 13 hour shifts
only get's 2 day's a week off most his day's off are insmiley - zzz bless him smiley - blush
he a good husband to me i love the bone's of him he a good man give's me nice home to live in nice thing's nice clothes can't complain
and we still talk like bestfriends that what marrage is all about be friends work everythink out and i can say we been through good and bad day'ssmiley - smiley

How are you today donlope?

Hello from Donlope

Post 5


Hi Hilary!
You seem to be really happy in your couple...What's the job of your husband, because he seems to be really busy!
My day is quite good since it's friday and in a few hours, I'm in WE smiley - smiley
That's really cool, I will be able to spend time with my love!
I learned today that I'm going to have a work mission in Hamburg (Germany) next week. That will be cool, the only problem is that I only go for one day and as there is a lot of work to do, I won't be able to visit the city...I even think I am going to stay the whole day in the airport as I have to do investigations on an aircraftsmiley - biggrin
I wish you a nice WE...bye!

Hello from Donlope

Post 6


Hi donlope

My husband is a chef he work's very long hours, i always make sure his tea and slippers are ready when he get's home and newspaper he get's up at 5am every morning get's 3 smiley - buses to work and 3smiley - bushome

yes we are very happy we work as a team.
we are both stubborn we are earth signs andrew tuarus i'm capricorn we both well matched 100% captable , we are have IVF soon.smiley - biggrin

We are both fine andrew is off on sunday so i go let him sleep in till late.

take care

spk soon


Hello from Donlope

Post 7


Hello Hilary!
How was your weekend??
I'm sure it was nice since you were with your husband on Sunday smiley - smiley
Mine was cool too...I've been to the cinema and did some gardening.
I've seen a movie called Syriana, did you hear of it??
It's with Georges Clooney and it's about US companies traffics to get the most out of Arabian countries (for Oil and Gas). It's really really good, very hard to see and also complicated, but as its based on true facts, it's frightening to know what's happening without any of us being aware of this! After having watched this movie, Audrey (that's my love smiley - loveblush) and I had to go to a bar to have something to drink and to eat before coming back home because it was hard to forget the movie.

Hello from Donlope

Post 8


Hiya donlopesmiley - smiley

Yes we had a nice sunday together even if he was playing his ps2 most the day and i was on here, i made him a nice sunday roast smiley - biggrin and Pudding and for after's smiley - winkeyehe had me smiley - loveblush
Yes we like going the Theatre We want go see chitty bang bang on the empire theatre in sept we are go try get the tickect's, also i'd like to see my fair lady we spend alot time go to theatre's we go as a familysmiley - yikesand it is fun.

We had a bottle ofsmiley - redwine lastnight It was medium sweet tangy and it tatste good/.

Take care
spk soon

To see my picture go to type in collective's group map and you will see mesmiley - ok

Hello from Donlope

Post 9


smiley - tongueoutHmmm, I love Pudding!
I don't know of Chitty Bang Bang, what is it about??
I love going to Theater but I don't go as often as I would like to as it's quite expensive here...but I'm happy as it's one of the birthday present I got from my girlfriend...two tickets for the theater, though I don't know what we are going to see for the moment.
Thanks for your picture smiley - biggrin, but I won't be able to see it now as I'm at work and I can't get on internet...the funny thing is I can get, but only on this BBC site...don't know why smiley - smiley

Hello from Donlope

Post 10


Hi donlope

Chitty bang bang is a walt disney film made into a theatre play it's good and it's rated six smiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starstar>'s

I can access the web when ever i wish andy made our pc to access everythink smiley - biggrinThe labtop i had was very slow update that's why my andy got this pc he buys all the softwear.

i'm go to ask my uncle for little fav as he owns apple pc company and i'm go ask him to lend me one there repair guy's to update all this softwear of mine we have faster more update color than before,

How are you?

Hello from Donlope

Post 11


Ahh, OK, Walt disney in a theater smiley - smiley That must be cool to see!

My PC is not too slow to go to internet, it's just that there are restrictions put by Airbus smiley - erm

I'm fine, busy at work, I will spend my afternoon on airplanes so that's cool, I prefer this at staying behind my PC to write boring documents smiley - biggrin

And what about you??
What are you up to today?

Hello from Donlope

Post 12


Hi donlope

It's my day off today so i get to enjoy my day by catching up on watching soaps's like corrie and eastenders and other great tv programmes, smiley - biggrin

It's not walt disney that dose chitty chitty bang bang at the empire it's a acting crew who take it off the disney film chitty chitty bang bang is a good film i was just wondering how they go to get the flying car on stage smiley - laughs

I'm making a big pan of scouse ate the moment for tomorrow's night's tea as i've got look after my mum tomorrow night from 3-11pm my mum has Multiple Scerousis she been in a wheelchair for 18 years went from a lovely woman who could dress feed wash herself and talk to a baby who depends on me to feed wash change her and i learn her to talk again with picture cards smiley - smiley

The last time i went on a airplanes was when i was come home from canada back to uk that was in 2001 i came back to this dump uk home smiley - sorryif i exspress my moan's too muchsmiley - ok

Hello from Donlope

Post 13


Nice program watching soaps and cooking smiley - smiley
By the way, what do you call a scouse ate? Sorry for my english, I lack vocabulary sometimes smiley - erm

I think u have lots of courage to behave like you do with your mother!

You know what, most of the time, when I go on airplanes, it's because they have something wrong so they are on ground and don't fly smiley - smiley So I'm not going very often in planes that are flying smiley - smiley
Last time, it was for my trip in Ireland 2 years ago! But on thursday, I'm taking plane! and for the first time of my life, in first class smiley - biggrin

Hello from Donlope

Post 14


Hi donlope

Scouse is Fresh beef diced mixed with carrotts onions peas sweded, turnip, green beans with 5 oxo's cubes and potatos left in pan to cook together it's like stew but it's called scouse in Liverpool smiley - ok

visit this http://wwww.frappr/?a=myfrappr&id=646134

it's a picture of me smiley - ok

Hello from Donlope

Post 15


Oh it's not courage Donlope I like looking after my mum <smiley?

we all said if mum got any worse we made a promise to dad on the bible that we would never put her in carehome and make sure her every need is taken care of sometime's i smiley - cry at night asking god why he did this to us all, MS is a bad illness it's similar to parkinson but 12 times worse, the more i spend with my mum the more she smiles and the more i learn her to speak again the more i feel good as i have help her.smiley - headhurtsat the moment i'm going tosmiley - zzzfor 30 minutes maybe more as i feel smiley - ill

take care

Hello from Donlope

Post 16


It's only the morning, but after having read your description of what a Scouse is, I'm already hungry smiley - tongueout
Well, I hope you're feeling better than yesterday.

Today is one of my colleague's birthday and I came early at work to put lots of Stickes on his PC smiley - smiley Now it's full of Disney's movies stickers...I'm sure he will hate me for that, but that will be fun smiley - biggrin

Hello from Donlope

Post 17


Hi donlope

The reason why i was not well yesterday was because my little buttercup kept me awake through the night think it's her teeth come through and i only had two hours sleep, anyway i only had a hours sleep last lastnight againsmiley - sadface i love her to bits shesmiley - wah alot at night.

you men are always hungry mmmmmmmmmmm that's what i like to hearsmiley - biggrin

here have a slice ofsmiley - cake and smiley - coffee?

take care smiley - hugs

Hilarysmiley - star

Hello from Donlope

Post 18


Hello Donlope

How are you?smiley - hug

Hello from Donlope

Post 19


Hello Hilary!
Well, 2 days later, I'm fine smiley - smiley
I've been to Hambourg last week and that was really cool...even if I had to stay one night away from my love...but I know it may sound stupid to you...
I was allowed to go in the plane during a test flight, which was pretty impressive as the pilots are doing maneuvers to see how the plane react and what are its limits, so you have better not to eat too much before going smiley - biggrin

Hello from Donlope

Post 20


Hi donlope

It's nice to hear from yousmiley - biggrin
smiley - wow you've been away then bet you had a nice timesmiley - somersault
I've been buisy with home lifesmiley - smiley

What you been upto ?

Hilarysmiley - star

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