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Ooh... what's this I found?

It's amazing that it took me this long to find this place. I like it here... already wrote one article, and I'm in the process of writing another. This next one will be a bit more in-depth. Much longer. Probably about four pages on a standard word processor, using Times New Roman font, 12 point, and double spaced. Now, what will it be on? Oh yes! The Jazz great, Louis Armstrong! I haven't read anything about him in this guide yet. I'd better run a quick search, just in case...



Nope, there's really no major entry on him. It really is a shame that there isn't. Anyway, this baby should be a bit more serious than my little article on how to get rid of the clumps in the bottom of the hot chocolate mug. Biographies are good. Yeah.

Anyway, it has been a very good day. I mean, I found this place. I like it. Very good indeed.

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