This is the Message Centre for SALAMANDAPALAGANDA 2006
hi stranger...
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Started conversation Apr 12, 2004
hiya marc...
thought i'd fly by, and say "hello"...
hope you are keeping well my friend... this place has gone to the dogs since that silly had her two penneth with t/w.... wouldn't mind she's not even a native brit, she's from canada..... so who does she think she is complaining on a brit site anyway???????
ne' mind eh..... us t/wester's will have the last
take care luv.... ... sheryl...xxxxxx
hi stranger...
COMPO (Keeper of the smelly wellies) join me for some Summer Wine Posted Apr 13, 2004
Hi Sheryl i see your having funny dreams again they about anyone we know?..
your right the site has gone down hill so fast it left a crater where it hit the bottom..
i have heard someone mention about LD site is there a possibility that someomeone has reopened the old LD site or started a new one?? if you here anything you still have my mobile number give me a txt and let me know cos i am at work 6 days out of 7 so i never know when i am at home sometimes forget what it is like to sleep in my i could get a couple of volunteers to help me remember..
hi stranger...
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Apr 13, 2004
hi again,
must be me age having these funny dreams... lol.... of all the people to dream about, it was the hawkins brothers, them of darkness fame.. i wouldn't mind, they're only young uns.... yip, the pair of 'em... no wonder i'm knackered... ...
i'd never even thought about them like that before, i've lost the plot completely...
i heard from helen (serenity) that ld is available via pc.... can't recall the address but i'll find out and let you know...
as for sleeping in my own bed, well i start off there but seem to wander into the beds of these young famous folk....
catch ya later luv....
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hi stranger...
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